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Question.4148 - Topic 3 DQ 1 Some international companies host expatriates based on business need. What is an expatriate? Select a global country where a multinational company exists and explain the general differences in the respective laws compared to the United States. Provide an explanation and a specific example for your response.

Answer Below:

An employee who is sent by their employer to work in a foreign nation for a predetermined amount of time is known as an expatriate (Végh et al., 2023). Usually, they move for work-related reasons, like managing projects, supervising operations, or transferring knowledge to a new area. For instance, a multinational corporation such as Volkswagen may deploy an expatriate to oversee operations in Germany. The laws of Germany and the US diverge in areas like employee perks and labor safeguards.   In contrast to the United States, which lacks a federal paid parental leave statute, Germany has stringent labor rules, including required paid parental leave of up to 14 months. Furthermore, compared to the United States, German laws strictly restrict employees' rights to collective bargaining and unionization, giving them a better negotiating position. This is indicative of a larger cultural divide, as German labor laws offer greater worker protections and social security than American ones.     References  U.S. Department of Labor. Family and Medical Leave Act. https://www.dol.gov/agencies/whd/fmla Végh, J., Jenkins, J., & Claes, M. T. (2023). “Should I stay or should I go?”—Why the future of global work may be less binary: Lessons on approaches to global crises from the experiences of expatriates during the COVID?19 pandemic. Thunderbird International Business Review, 65(1), 21-37.  

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