Question.2191 - Assignment Description: Your assignment is to review a sample IEP for Eric M (linked below) The goal is to look at a well written IEP and take note of the required sections, so you will be able to write your own IEP based off an evaluation. Please review the IRIS resource (Read and Study) for information about a High-Quality IEP. Please review this IEP and write about (1-page double-spaced) the IEP’s overall strengths, overall weaknesses, your opinion of how the following sections were written and if you would change anything in these sections: II Present levels of academic achievement and functional performance III Transition services V Goals and objectives VI Special education/related services/supplementary aids and services/program modifications VII Educational placement VIII Penndata Reporting. Finally make at least two connections to class content and what you have already learned, as well as how this assignment will be helpful when writing your own IEP (for the next assignment or you future students).
Answer Below:
Individualized Education Program (IEP) In the given IEP, there are many strengths and weaknesses. This IEP is well designed to meet the special requirements of education who has a disability (Findley et al., 2022). It has many strengths like it covers all the sections which needs to be mentioned for a child with disability. It takes feedbacks from the parents of the child and ensures the child to have quality education. All the sections were covered in this program. The first section of present levels of academic achievement and functional performances were neatly mentioned according to the headings. The second section of transition services was also mentioned for Eric where he would require to transit to other academic institution. The goals of the program were clearly given for Eric. He was noted to have interest in his career and wanted to become a successful person. In the fifth section goals and objectives were detailed for this program to be achieved for giving effective services to Eric. This section clearly described the shorter and longer-term goals which were aligned with the learning outcomes of the course. This program mentioned the related services, supplementary aids, services/program modifications and special education requirement for him. He was found to have learning disability and therefore, special services were needed by him. There were distinct educators for imparting him necessary skills and knowledge so that he is able to attain his career goal. It also included non-academic and extra-curricular activities for giving an all-round development. In the seventh section of education placement, the IEP team was directed to give full support to Eric. It was ensured that he is placed in the educational and extra-curricular activities. The Penndata reporting clearly outlined the requirements of the educational environment requirement for Eric. However, it was noted that this program could have been made better with proper presentation so that parents and student can grasp and navigate through it. References Findley, J. A., Ruble, L. A., & McGrew, J. H. (2022). Individualized education program quality for transition age students with autism. Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders, 91, 101900.More Articles From Management