Question.4143 - Topic 1 DQ 1 Describe a current tread or challenge you have observed within the HR field and provide an explanation and a specific business example for your response.
Answer Below:
The latest HR fashion is employee experience as a strategic focus: building on earlier work on engagement, making the journey of an employee more comprehensive, and incorporating customized support and work-life balance with well-developed opportunities for career advancement. This then serves as the need to attract and retain top talent within a competitive labor market, particularly when it is constantly driven by employees who value workplace culture, flexibility, and opportunities to grow. One of the major challenges this trend entails is how to integrate EX into existing HR systems and processes. In general, it becomes a challenge for an organization to keep pace with technology, leadership styles, or perhaps its organizational culture and fit the changing expectations of an employee. This is particularly challenging in a hybrid or remote work scenario, as the creation of community and teamwork would require new approaches. For example, Microsoft followed the EX trend by introducing what they call "Employee Experience Platform" (EXP), Viva. It brings together the learning, well-being, and communication platforms in providing employees with flexible but tailored means of meeting their needs. Technology helps Microsoft address burnout and skill development as challenges, therefore making it a cohesive and supportive working environment. This example illustrates how businesses can respond to the EX trend, in investing in technology and taking a holistic approach, so the organizational goals are then aligned with the satisfaction of employees.More Articles From Management