Question.4172 - Read the article The Next Generation Functionality for the Local Area Network (LAN)Links to an external site.. What are some of the major differences in network traffic types that the Internet of Things devices have generated compared to traditional personal computer connectivity?
Answer Below:
IoT devices have a higher volume of traffic than traditional personal computers. It can transmit smaller, more frequent data packets, which leads to an increase in the overall network traffic ( Sivanathan et al., 2018). IoT devices function independently. IoT devices are often spread out in a network with many devices. IoT device numbers are increasing quickly. The network must support millions or even billions of devices as more and more electronic devices connect to the internet, demanding specialized infrastructure. In order to function on energy for an extended period, many Internet of Things devices are made to consume extremely little energy. On the other hand, Traditional PCs require more human work. They use a large volume of data when we are watching a film, downloading files, or browsing websites. They tend to be more active during this process by constantly sending and receiving data (Froehlich, 2023). This is considered two-way communication, as they send and receive data. For instance, if we had to browse a website, the PC requests data from a server, and the server responds with the webpage. This network tends to be simpler. Computers connect to central routers or networks, usually at home or offices, as their focus is more on providing a good connection for each user. References Sivanathan, A., Gharakheili, H. H., Loi, F., Radford, A., Wijenayake, C., Vishwanath, A., & Sivaraman, V. (2018). Classifying IoT devices in smart environments using network traffic characteristics. IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, 18(8), 1745-1759. Froehlich, Andrew. “Traditional Networks vs. IoT Networks: What’s the Difference? | TechTarget.” Networking, 28 June 2023, Articles From Management