Question.1939 - In the video the educators discuss the importance of professional development, professional conduct and behaviors, competence in a Specialized Body of Knowledge, and Pedagogy. Post what you think were the key points around each of these topics and what it means to you. Include your own ideas and opinions, and back them up with small quotes from the Principles and Practices textbook to support your ideas. Here is the video link:
Answer Below:
Please identify how you as a teacher can utilize these tools to inform and create curriculum/lessons, environments, or best practices for children. (1 paragraph). As a teacher, one can use these tools that can help to create the best possible curriculum or lessons that can be used as learning techniques for children. These help to create an environment where the children will love to adopt best practices that is all about skills needed to develop themselves for their future. For example, the infant toddler curriculum framework is all about ways that infants and toddlers can learn to develop and helps the teachers make informed decisions regarding the different curriculum practices (STUDIES, 2012). It can help them plan learning environments and other different types of experiences for the young children by putting in front of them general guidance’s in this subject matter. If you are working in a child development program, do you currently use the Foundations? Yes, how? (1 paragraph) Yes, I do use these Foundations especially the infant toddler curriculum framework that is all about different types of research that was carried on the ways infants and toddlers can learn and develop themselves. It puts up different type of principles that can help support the early learning and planning process including strategies that can help the infant and toddlers by the teachers in their efforts of supporting the learning of them from their very birth till age of three years. There are different types of sampling of strategies that can help to build the competencies of children and their interests in some major developmental domains that can be helpful in the process of their learning (STUDIES, 2012). How could teachers use this information to communicate with families in regards to their children's development? (1 paragraph) The teachers can use the information that can help to communicate different frameworks to the families with regards to the development of their child using four types of guiding principles that is presented in the infant toddler curriculum framework. It presents the fact that the family is at the center of the learning and development of the young child and the fact that infant/toddler development takes place because of relationships (STUDIES, 2012). It also helps the families understand that the young child’s emotional state is such that helps them learn and get influences learning as well in other domains. All the young children and children with disabilities get the benefit from high-quality infant or toddler care programs access to them from their early stages of life only. Include your own ideas and opinions, and back them up with small quotes from the Principles and Practices textbook to support your ideas. (I attached the chapter to get quotes) I feel that reflective practice is a great way to develop a better sense of responsibility towards the care givers like us so that we can have self awareness to be more sensitive as well as responsive towards the children we all are caring. This is a great point from the textbook because this is extremely necessary for teachers to have extra sense of sensitivity towards managing the child’s development and learning because the way he or she grows will all be a reflection of what we taught them during their earlier phases of life (STUDIES, 2012). References STUDIES, C. F. (2012). The California Infant/Toddler Curriculum Framework. California Department of Education, .More Articles From Management