Question.3676 - To prepare: Review the Learning Resources for this week as well as the Resources from Week 5 and continue to consider how you might synthesize your resources for your literature review. Continue to integrate and synthesize the 6–10 peer-reviewed journal articles that you chose in Week 5 for this paper. Make sure that about 80 percent of your articles are current, or from the past 5 years. Assignment (4–6 pages, not including title page and reference page) Include the following (continued from Week 5): Begin with a brief introduction explaining the problem within the topic of study. Provide an integrated synthesis of your resources related to your problem statement. Conclude with a summary paragraph.
Answer Below:
The challenge of high school dropouts pursuing their General Educational Development (GED) certification is a critical issue in education today. The consequences are dire due to dropout rates remaining high, particularly among marginalized groups. It is not just because of the individuals involved but also for society as a whole. High school dropouts face challenges daily, including economic hardship, lack of support, and feelings of isolation, which can disturb them when re-entering education. Resilience is known for the capacity to recover from difficulties and adapt to challenges which is a crucial factor that assists these individuals that helps them overcoming obstacles and achieving their educational goals. This paper explores the role of resilience in helping high school dropouts obtain their GED certification by synthesizing insights from various peer-reviewed studies highlighting the importance of support systems, emotional regulation, and community involvement. Integrated Synthesis of Resources The literature on resilience emphasizes several key themes relevant to high school dropouts seeking their GED certification. 1. Support Systems and Mentorship Support systems are extremely important to promote resilience among high school dropouts. Kuperminc et al. (2019) have found that school-based group mentoring can significantly enhance resilience by providing social and emotional support to vulnerable students. This model is applicable for those who are opting for GED programs as it creates a supportive environment that encourages persistence in education. Also, Diab and Green (2024) addressed the role of emotional support in fostering resilience among novice teachers and suggested that similar support structures could benefit GED candidates as well. 2. Emotional Regulation and Mental Health Building emotional regulation is another critical aspect of fostering resilience. Garcia and Patel (2021) argue that comprehensive approaches addressing both emotional and educational needs are vital for dropout prevention. According to their findings, the interventions that are aimed at enhancing emotional resilience can significantly impact students' ability to cope with challenges that are connected with re-engaging in education. Additionally, the necessity of mental health interventions in dropout prevention programs is highlighted by Williams and Thomas (2022), who have reinforced the idea of addressing psychological well-being as it is very important to foster resilience among high school dropouts. 3. Community Involvement Community support plays a vital role in enhancing resilience. Ann (2021) focuses on how family and community factors contribute to educational success among marginalized groups. This study shows us the importance of external support systems in promoting resilience among high school dropouts pursuing their GED. Community involvement helps in providing. 4. Personalized Learning Pathways With the help of innovative educational models, personalized learning pathways can be used to re-engage high school dropouts, which is essential. Kim and Lee (2021) suggest that tailored educational approaches can meet the unique needs of dropouts as it facilitates their return to education. Individuals can maintain their own pace as this flexibility allows them to receive the necessary support to build resilience. 5. Resilience-Based Interventions The effectiveness of resilience-based interventions in schools has been extensively studied. Llistosella et al. (2023) conducted a systematic review where they demonstrated that structured programs aim to enhance emotional and psychological resilience that can significantly benefit adolescents. Adapting these interventions for GED programs will be helpful in providing structured support as it helps dropouts persevere in their educational pursuits. 6. The Role of Teacher Support Another critical factor is teacher support, as teachers help build resilience among students. Romano et al. (2021) observed that perceived emotional support from teachers enhances academic resilience and engagement among high school students. As the students progress through their educational journeys, this concept extends to GED candidates who would benefit from mentorship and emotional encouragement. 7. Motivation as a Driver of Resilience Motivation plays a crucial role in fostering resilience among students, particularly it helps those who dropped out of high school. Brown et al. (2021) emphasize on the importance of intrinsic motivation and supportive relationships in dropout recovery programs. Recognizing these motivational factors well will help identify strategies for motivating and supporting dropouts through community and educational interventions. ?Conclusion It can be concluded by stating that resilience is a vital component in helping high school dropouts achieve their GED certification. The integration of support systems, emotional regulation strategies, community involvement, personalized learning pathways, teacher support, and motivation builds a sense of comprehensive framework to foster resilience among all these individuals. As emphasized by many studies like Kuperminc et al. (2019), Garcia & Patel (2021), and Llistosella et al. (2023), who addressed both the factor as in social and psychological are important to promote long-term success in GED attainment. The focus should be on building resilience through targeted interventions and supportive environments as educators and policymakers will be able to significantly improve outcomes for high school dropouts seeking to re-engage with education. References Ann, L. (2021). Testimonios of Resilient Salvadoran Immigrants Who Graduated from a Public High School in the United States and Pursued Further Education. Diab, A., & Green, E. (2024). Cultivating Resilience and Success: Support Systems for Novice Teachers in Diverse Contexts. Kuperminc, G.P., Chan, W.Y., Hale, K.E., Joseph, H.L., & Delbasso, C.A. (2019). The Role of School-Based Group Mentoring in Promoting Resilience Among Vulnerable High School Students. Llistosella, M., Goni-Fuste, B., Mart?nDelgado, L., Miranda-Mendizabal, A., Franch Martinez, B., P?rez-Ventana, C., & Castellvi, P. (2023). Effectiveness of resilience-based interventions in schools for adolescents: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Garcia, M., & Patel, R. (2021). Building emotional regulation and resilience in at-risk youth: A comprehensive approach to dropout prevention. Romano, L., Angelini, G., Consiglio, P., & Fiorilli, C. (2021). Academic Resilience and Engagement in High School Students: The Mediating Role of Perceived Teacher Emotional Support. Brown, T., Harris, M., & Walker, L. (2021). Resilience in educational contexts: Understanding the role of motivation and social support in dropout recovery programs. This synthesis highlights how various factors contribute to building resilience among high school dropouts pursuing their GED certifications while providing actionable insights into effective strategies for supporting this vulnerable population.More Articles From Others