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Question.799 - Briefly discuss the major events and important individuals that contributed to the development of the career guidance movement.

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Brittiany Turner  SP23MI Career Development and Assessment Prof. Santana 31st January 2023 Assignment-1 Briefly discuss the major events and important individuals that contributed to the development of the career guidance movement.    George Merrill developed a plan for students to explore courses in industrial arts in San Francisco in the early 20th century. Jeff Davis was designated as an educational and vocational counselor at Central High in Detroit between 1898 and 1907. Further, as a school principal in Grand Rapids, Michigan, he offered career-related information to students. Frank Parson, known as the father of the vocational guidance movement, founded the Vocations Bureau of Boston in 1908. He published a procedure for career decision-making named Choosing a Vocation in 1909 that still remains a significant benchmark. He was also known to have lobbied to eliminate child labor. Meyer Bloomfield was known for teaching the first vocational guidance course at Harvard in 1911. Further, Hugo Munsterberg of Harvard established industrial psychology as a relevant field of applied psychology. His book Psychological and Industrial Efficiency, published in 1913, focused attention on organizations and their employees. The Wagner Peyser Act established the U.S. Employment Service in 1933. The Occupational Information and Guidance service was established in 1938 under the George-Dean Act. The George-Barden Act was passed in 1946, making funds available to establish counselor-training programs in all states. In the early 1950s, career development theories became landmarks in the career counseling movement. Ginzberg, Ginsburg, Axelrad, and Herma (1951); Roe (1956) and Super (1957) developed and published career development and occupational choice theories. Theories from Blau, Gustad, Jessor, Parnes, and Wilcox (1956) and Tiedeman and O’Hara (1963) were based on these theories.  Career education focused on career awareness, career exploration, value clarification, decision-making skills, career orientation, and career preparation. The career education movement in the 1970s was created to address career development, attitudes, and values infused in traditional learning.  The Joint Training Partnership Act (JTPA) enacted in 1982 provided career services for retraining workers and for disadvantaged youth.  The Carl Perkins Vocational Education Act of 1984 expanded career services to address the needs of vocational education students. In 1984, the National Certified Career Counselors organization was founded in order to offer national certification to counselors. In 1998 the Workforce Investment Act offered career services to disadvantaged youth, adults, and dislocated workers.

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