Question.3560 - Instruction: You are to watch a disaster movie and conduct an after-action review as if you are the local emergency manager in the impacted local jurisdiction. The end-product of this process is the After-Action Report (AAR), a document which contains a summary of the incident(s), short and long-term impacts to the community, strengths of the response (what went well), what can be improved, and how it will be improved. Component of this assignment Incident summary (1-2 pages) What happened? Why did it happen? What were the contributing factors? This is a good opportunity to try the root cause model discussed in module 3. What were the consequences of the disaster using the four consequence categories discussed in Module 1? What departments/agencies/organizations were involved in the disaster response? Align the organizations to their respective community lifelines. (if it was not clear which agencies responded, then use your best judgement to identify the agencies which would have been involved). Strengths (at least 3) What areas of the response went well? What response actions should be repeated next time the disaster occurs? Areas of improvement (at least 5) What areas of the response didn’t go well? Were there any conflict points between agencies or actors that impacted the response to the disaster? Scenes where you ask yourself “What in the world were they thinking? That was never going to work!” Corrective action recommendations (at least 1 for each area of improvement) For each area of improvement, develop a corrective action. These are actions which will ensure the same issues don’t happen in the future. See the attached example After-Action Reports for examples and ideas.
Answer Below:
Instruction: You are to watch a disaster movie and conduct an after-action review as if you are the local emergency manager in the impacted local jurisdiction. The end-product of this process is the After-Action Report (AAR), a document which contains a summary of the incident(s), short and long-term impacts to the community, strengths of the response (what went well), what can be improved, and how it will be improved. ? Component of this assignment Incident summary (1-2 pages) What happened? Why did it happen? What were the contributing factors? This is a good opportunity to try the root cause model discussed in module 3. What were the consequences of the disaster using the four consequence categories discussed in Module 1? What departments/agencies/organizations were involved in the disaster response? Align the organizations to their respective community lifelines. (if it was not clear which agencies responded, then use your best judgement to identify the agencies which?would have?been involved). Strengths (at least 3) What areas of the response went well? What response actions should be repeated next time the disaster occurs? Areas of improvement (at least 5) What areas of the response didnt go well? Were there any conflict points between agencies or actors that impacted the response to the disaster? Scenes where you ask yourself What in the world were they thinking? That was never going to work! Corrective action recommendations (at least 1 for each area of improvement) For each area of improvement, develop a corrective action. These are actions which will ensure the same issues dont happen in the future. See the attached example After-Action Reports for examples and ideas. What Happened? "2012," a disaster movie where a series of catastrophic events unfolds as solar flares heat the Earth's core, leading to massive earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and tsunamis. The narrative follows a struggling writer, Jackson Curtis, who discovers the impending apocalypse. He races against time to save his family while navigating a world descending into chaos (Durmu?,2023). This film shows various disasters like the destruction of iconic landmarks and the collapse of civilization while people scramble for survival. Why Did It Happen? Contributing Factors The root cause of the disaster in "2012" can be defined as a combination of both human negligence and natural phenomena. The scientific community failed to take prior warnings seriously, which is about solar activity. It reflects a broader theme of societal complacency connected with environmental risks (Dixon,2017). Also, the movie often addresses political and economic interests as the reason behind overshadowing urgent scientific advice, which leads to inadequate preparedness for such global threats. Consequences of the Disaster The consequences of the disaster can be categorized into four main areas: Human Impact: As cities are destroyed and millions are displaced, a significant loss of life occurs. Families are torn apart while the communities are devastated. Economic Impact: Due to the destruction of infrastructure, massive economic losses occur; as in the businesses collapse, and the costs of recovery and rebuilding escalate dramatically. Environmental Impact: Due to natural disasters like volcanic ash clouds affecting climate and ecosystems; we can see a severe environmental degradation has been portrayed by the film. Psychosocial Impact: The psychological toll on survivors is immense, with themes of trauma, loss, and despair permeating the narrative because individuals struggle to accept their new reality. Involved Agencies/Organizations In a real-world scenario similar to "2012," various agencies would be involved in disaster response: Emergency Management Agencies: Emergency Management Agencies are known for coordinating overall response efforts and resource allocation. ? Fire Departments: Address immediate rescue needs and fire-related incidents caused by disasters. ? Law Enforcement: Law Enforcement works for maintaining order during chaotic evacuations as well as provide security for affected areas. Public Health Departments: Public Health Departments helps in managing crises which is arising from injuries and potential outbreaks post-disaster. Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs): Non-Governmental Organizations works for providing humanitarian aid and support services which is for displaced populations. Lifelines like safety, health, food, water, shelter, energy, communications, transportation, and hazardous materials management, these organizations would align with. Strengths Effective Communication: The film brings out the importance of clear communication while a crisis, among authorities and citizens.? Regarding, impending disasters providing alert on time can save lives. ?? Community Resilience: Scenes of the film describing communities coming together for assisting each other which highlight the strength of social bonds while having a crisis. ?? Resourcefulness: Demonstration of ingenuity is observed by the characters in finding solutions to survive challenging situations, showcasing human resilience. Areas of Improvement Preparedness Planning: From both the parties, both individual and governmental levels, there was a lack of comprehensive disaster preparedness plans. Interagency Coordination: Conflicts were noticed between agencies regarding resource distribution and priorities during the response phase. Public Awareness Campaigns: Insufficient public education about potential risks contributed to less awareness, which increased panic during the disaster. Infrastructure Resilience: Improved building codes could enhance resilience against natural disasters, as many structures failed under stress. Mental Health Support: The film lacks to focus on providing psychological support to survivors, as it is essential for recovery. Corrective Action Recommendations Preparedness Planning: Develop detailed emergency response plans, including regular drills for citizens and agencies alike. Interagency Coordination: An established unified command structure for disaster response that includes representatives from all relevant agencies to streamline communication. Public Awareness Campaigns: Implement ongoing public education initiatives regarding disaster preparedness and response strategies. Infrastructure Resilience: Advocating stricter building codes that account for potential natural disasters and ensure that structures can withstand extreme conditions. Mental Health Support: To address the psychological impacts on survivors, integration of mental health services into disaster response plans promptly. This After-Action Report is to provide us a framework to understand the dynamics of disaster response as portrayed in "2012," which emphasizes lessons learned that can enhance future preparedness and resilience efforts in real-world scenarios. Reference: Dixon, T. H. (2017).?Curbing catastrophe: Natural hazards and risk reduction in the modern world. Cambridge University Press. Durmu?, T. (2023). The Management of Natural Disasters in Cinema: The Movie 2012.?Uluslararas? T?rk E?itim Bilimleri Dergisi,?2023(20), 64-95.More Articles From Others