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Question.765 - Homework 5: Creating a Plan for the Proposal, Progress Report, and Recommendation Report The proposal, progress report, and recommendation reports are three interconnected projects; they comprise a genre set (see page 31). Read the major project sheets for the proposal, progress report, and recommendation report. Next, to help you plan for these projects, answer the following questions: What problem have you identified? Remember, this problem should have a technological solution. Technology is not just the laptop I'm typing this on. Rather, technology is a process that uses scientific knowledge to solve problems in industry, business, and other areas of life.  Why do you want to solve this problem? Who would be helped by solving this problem? What kind of research do you need to do to figure out how to solve the problem? Where will you look for sources? While the proposal and progress report are addressed to me (Dr. Petts), the recommendation report will be addressed to the person who has the power to enact your recommendations. Who is the audience for your recommendation report? 

Answer Below:

Homework 4: Creating a Plan for the Proposal, Progress Report, and Recommendation ReportSherell Morgan University of Houston Downtown TCOM 3302: Business and Technical Report Writing Prof. Dr. Ashleigh Petts4th January 2023 Overheating in homes What problem have you identified? Remember, this problem should have a technological solution. Technology is not just the laptop I'm typing this on. Rather, technology is a process that uses scientific knowledge to solve problems in industry, business, and other areas of life.? The problem identified is overheating in the interior spaces of homes during peak summer seasons due to poor building envelope and unsuitable building systems. This can be remedied by implementing a few technological changes such as improved building insulation, high efficiency windows and energy efficient cooling systems. Why do you want to solve this problem? As a resident of one of the hottest cities, I have experienced the wrath of indoor heat in homes during summer. I am aware that intervention in the existing building on a small or medium scale can help curb this situation. Further, a solution to this issue can help many combat the problem in an effective manner. Who would be helped by solving this problem? Many residents of hot cities around the world face the issue of overheating, particularly in the case of houses built many years ago. Further, energy costs increase as people try to cool down homes by running cooling systems, the use of which is much higher on the hottest days. A solution to this will therefore help people in many communities. What kind of research do you need to do to figure out how to solve the problem? Where will you look for sources? The research will mainly focus on determining the extent of overheating, followed by identifying the possible and feasible technologies that can address this and studying how to implement them. I will be looking for resources like journals and technology magazines and learning examples primarily from the web, as this is an existing problem. . While the proposal and progress report are addressed to me (Dr. Petts), the recommendation report will be addressed to the person who has the power to enact your recommendations. Who is the audience for your recommendation report?? Since my research is focused on addressing the issue of the houses of the general public, the right audience for my recommendation report would be the individuals who seek to make changes in their existing households. Prof comment: ?Mayor Turner or County Judge Hidalgo

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