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Question.3540 - Identify 6 barriers to critical thinking listed in your text. You may use the barriers you already identified in your Week 1 assignment to get you started or choose new ones. Enter the barriers in the first column of the table below. Provide an example from your personal, professional, or school life for each of the 6 barriers you choose. You may use the examples from your Week 1 assignment or choose new ones. Enter the examples from your life in the second column of the table below. Explain in 2- to 3-sentences how you can overcome each barrier you identified. Think about what you might do to overcome that barrier in that situation. Consider if that strategy or method would be useful in another situation. Enter your explanation in the third column of the table below.

Answer Below:

-136525-52895500Critical Thinking: Overcoming Barriers Matrix Identify 6 barriers to critical thinking listed in your text. You may use the barriers you already identified in your Week 1 assignment to get you started or choose new ones. Enter the barriers in the first column of the table below. Provide an example from your personal, professional, or school life for each of the 6 barriers you choose. You may use the examples from your Week 1 assignment or choose new ones. Enter the examples from your life in the second column of the table below. Explain in 2- to 3-sentences how you can overcome each barrier you identified. Think about what you might do to overcome that barrier in that situation. Consider if that strategy or method would be useful in another situation. Enter your explanation in the third column of the table below. Note: The first row has been completed for you as an example. Barrier to Critical Thinking Example How You Can Overcome the Barrier Example barrier to critical thinking: Cognitive dissonance Example from your life: I have an opportunity for promotion and raise in salary at work, but the job requires more time commitment so I would be unable to continue my education right now. Example strategy for overcoming the barrier: I can overcome my cognitive dissonance by comparing short- and long-term advantages and disadvantages. I am going to school to improve my career opportunities and earn more money for my family; the promotion would give me more money now but going to school improves my career prospects long-term. While this promotion does not require a college degree, future promotions would, so I would decide to decline the promotion and continue my college education. 1)Example Barrier: Rationalization Example from my life: When I missed an important deadline at work to rationalize the situation, I blamed it on external factors like traffic or met with an accident instead of looking at my lack of time management. Example strategy for overcoming the barrier: In order to overcome this challenge, I have taken it upon myself to prioritize my work in terms of priority 1 deadlines and then move ahead and also set time slots in terms of how long I finish my work and where I am taking too much time. 2) Example barrier: Egocentrism Example from my life: In group meetings, I frequently dismiss others' ideas and opinions because whatever I say has to go and my word is final. Example strategy for overcoming the barrier: In order to address this self-centeredness of mine, I will have to actively listen to my teammate's perspectives and suggestions in order for collaborate and decision-making. Also, practicing empathy and value diverse input in future meetings. 3) Example barrier: Conformity Example from my life: During class, I tend to go with the majority to avoid standing out even if I disagree. Example strategy for overcoming the barrier: Overcoming conformity involves building the confidence to express my thoughts even when I have a different thought. I will also bring myself to open up more and speak my thoughts without fear to ensure richer discussions and also gain a new learning experience. 4) Example barrier: fear of challenge Example from my life: I avoid taking challenging leadership roles for fear of criticism or failure. Example strategy for overcoming barrier: To overcome this fear, I will tell myself frequently that challenges lead to growth. To first gain confidence I will seek small leadership opportunities and later take on larger ones. 5) Example barrier: Anthropocentrism Example from my life: I sometimes prioritize my human needs over environmental needs neglecting how my actions impact other species. Example strategy for overcoming the barrier: To overcome this, I will expand my understanding of how we are interconnected to human beings and consider the environmental consequences of my actions. I will also adopt a holistic perspective to foster ethical and sustainable choices. 6) Example barrier: stress Example from my life: When multiple deadlines pile up, I become overwhelmed and find it hard to focus on any task, leading to procrastination. Example strategy for overcoming the barrier: To overcome stress, I will prioritize my tasks by deadlines and importance, then break them into smaller, manageable chunks. Incorporating regular breaks and mindful exercises will also help me stay calm and focused.

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