Question.761 - In this post, brainstorm (come up with) a problem that you've noticed at UHD, at work, or in the Houston area in general that could be resolved through a technology. (Remember, technology is not just digital!). Describe the problem and a possible way you could approach it your recommendation report.
Answer Below:
A common problem I have come across is the increase in indoor temperatures of households during the extremely hot summer days. While this might be a small part of the year, it still poses considerable health hazards and danger to those who experience it. Having lived in some really hot places and been exposed to this problem myself, I consider it an issue that needs attention. There are minor and major impacts on health from overheating. Minor issues accounted for without long term effects include nosebleeds, breathing troubles, dehydration, hyperventilation, etc. Major problems with long term effects are pressure to lungs and allergies. Fortunately, there are technological solutions existing that can help us combat the extremeness of the problem. Lifestyle changes can also contribute to better results. Moreover, addressing the problem can also lead to financial benefits in the long run. Overheating in households is still a persisting issue and viable solutions can help bring positive change to health and life of the people.More Articles From Others