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Question.3532 - 3. How do you distinguish nostalgia and inherited nostalgia? How can you apply this to another immigrant group and compare/contrast with the Iranian second generation?

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Question 3. How do you distinguish nostalgia and inherited nostalgia? How can you apply this to another immigrant group and compare/contrast with the Iranian second generation? Nostalgia and inherited nostalgia differ in terms of their origins and expressions. Nostalgia generally stems from personal experiences and memories and creates a longing for one's past. On the other hand, inherited nostalgia is shaped by the stories and cultural artefacts which are passed down from previous generations, especially among immigrant communities. This form of nostalgia helps second-generation immigrants connect with their heritage through the experiences their parents had, and sometimes, it tends to idealize a homeland they have never known (Maghbouleh, 2010). For example, by consuming pre-Revolutionary Iranian pop music, like Googoosh, Iranian-American youth engage with inherited nostalgia. This music helps them to understand their identity and cultural history. It acts as a bridge to their parents past. Other immigrant groups may experience inherited nostalgia similarly, too, through their unique cultural products, though the specifics of these engagements can vary widely. Comparing Iranian-Americans with another group, which can be Vietnamese-Americans, often reveals differences in how each and every group navigates their cultural heritage and identity in the diaspora (Maghbouleh, 2010). Reference: Maghbouleh, N. (2010). Inherited nostalgia among second-generation Iranian Americans: A case study at a Southern California university. Journal of Intercultural Studies, 31(2), 199-218. https://doi.org/10.1080/07256861003606382

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