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Question.3576 - Module 5 Assignment This week we will learn to use SPSS to conduct some common inferential statistics, and I will teach you how to report and interpret your results. Learn and Practice First, watch my two SPSS Common Inferential Stats Demo Videos. These will show you how to conduct the following analyses: bivariate correlations, t-test, and one-way ANOVA; chi-square, multiple linear regression, and mixed (factorial) ANOVA. Watch my brief video on how to export your SPSS Output as a PDF. Download the following three files onto your computer (they are located under Module 5): Quiz Yourself SPSS DATA.sav (SPSS data file) Quiz Yourself SPSS Examples Without Answers (Word file) Quiz Yourself SPSS Examples With Answers (Word file) Double click on the SPSS data file called Quiz Yourself SPSS DATA.sav to open it in SPSS. Open the practice questions without answers file. Use SPSS to answer the practice questions without answers, then check your work against the version that provides the correct answers. Pay close attention to how I reported and interpreted the results of each analysis. Do not send me your answers to these practice questions. Quit SPSS and close all related windows. You will use a different dataset to complete Assignment #5. Complete Assignment #5 Double click on the SPSS dataset you created and sent to me for Assignment #4. Make sure you have corrected any errors. Open the SPSS Worksheet you began for Assignment #4. Last time, you created the dataset and answered questions 2, 3, and 4. This week, answer questions 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10. Type or write out your answers and save them in a document (e.g., Word or pdf). Export your complete SPSS Output for questions 5-10 as a PDF onto your computer. See my brief video on how to do this. Do not send me an SPSS output file. Email me your two files (your responses to questions 5-10 and your pdf SPSS output) as attachments. Remember to include PSYC 300 and your last name in the subject line. Assignment is worth 10 points as follows: 1 ptQuestion #5 (correlations) 1 ptQuestion #6 (t-test) 2 ptsQuestion #7 (one-way ANOVA) 1 ptQuestion #8 (chi-square) 2 ptsQuestion #9 (multiple linear regression) 3 ptsQuestion #10 (mixed ANOVA)

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