Question.962 - We are going to continue working on our Search Strategy assignments this week, picking up in Step 5. We will start by going to the UMGC Library, using Boolean searching to find an article relevant to your research question. While you are there, experiment with the database limiters to narrow your results to scholarly/peer reviewed journals (if you'd like to see research articles) or by publication date (if you'd like to see recent articles). In addition to finding an article from the library, you will locate a source on the open web that is helpful to your topic. Consider trying Google Scholar. Step 8 of the Search Strategy assignment asks you to provide a reference citation in APA 7 format. Posting here will give you a chance to receive feedback before the citation is graded. Is APA new to you? Don't worry, the assignment includes examples of APA with links to resources from the library to help. If you are not experienced searching the library, take five minutes to watch this demonstration (courtesy of LIBS 150 Professor Sarah Sackett). This video walks through a basic search and how to use the Cite tool, which will auto-generate APA citations for your library article (super time-saver!). Here is a template to use in your post: 1. My topic: 2. My Boolean search statement: 3: Library source: [reference citation] 4. Web resource: [reference citation] 5. In 2-3 complete sentences, share how you located the sources. If you got stuck, how did you recover? Once you have posted, please respond to at least two of your classmates. Do you have any tips or tricks for creating accurate citations to share? Any wisdom about searching the library? Finding good sources on the free web? Your original post is due on Sunday 11:59 pm ET and responses to classmates due by Tuesday 11:59 pm ET.
Answer Below:
Topic: The effect of the Covid-19 pandemic on higher education. Boolean search statement: Covid-19 pandemic AND Higher education or college or university or post-secondary or postsecondary AND Physical and mental health????????? Library source: National Academies of Sciences, E. and M., Health and Medicine Division, Policy and Global Affairs, Board on Health Sciences Policy, Board on Higher Education and Workforce, Committee on Mental Health, S. U. and W. in S. U. and G. E., Layne A. Scherer, & Alan I. Leshner. (2021). Mental Health, Substance Use, and Wellbeing in Higher Education?: Supporting the Whole Student. National Academies Press. Google Scholarly: Edem Adzovie, D., & Jibril, A. B. (2022). Assessment of the effects of Covid-19 pandemic on the prospects of e-learning in higher learning institutions: The mediating role of academic innovativeness and technological growth. Cogent Education, 9(1), 2041222. Finlay, M. J., Tinnion, D. J., & Simpson, T. (2022). A virtual versus blended learning approach to higher education during the COVID-19 pandemic: The experiences of a sport and exercise science student cohort. Journal of hospitality, leisure, sport & tourism education, 30, 100363. Jehi, T., Khan, R., Dos Santos, H., & Majzoub, N. (2022). Effect of COVID-19 outbreak on anxiety among students of higher education; A review of literature. Current Psychology, 1-15. Papademetriou, C., Anastasiadou, S., Konteos, G., & Papalexandris, S. (2022). COVID-19 pandemic: the impact of the social media technology on higher education. Education Sciences, 12(4), 261. Rashid, S., & Yadav, S. S. (2020). Impact of Covid-19 pandemic on higher education and research. Indian Journal of Human Development, 14(2), 340-343. Toquero, C. M. (2020). Challenges and opportunities for higher education amid the COVID-19 pandemic: The Philippine context. Pedagogical Research, 5(4). Locating resources: By logging into the UMGC Library the first option is an easy search based on our topic we can choose easier search engine or opt for the advanced search which will be located right below the easier search bar. In the advanced search we plenty of options from Boolean wherein we can alter and narrow down the results specifically, date published, journal name, language, image quick view types, peer reviewed, and the discipline of search. I entered following search with the Boolean, with the option peer reviewed and year 2021 since I wanted data that were post-first pandemic strike: Covid-19 pandemic AND Higher education or college or university or post-secondary or postsecondary AND Physical and mental health In terms of getting stuck the module had provided a detailed video link that eases up the process we just need to follow the steps. ? Topic: The effect of the Covid-19 pandemic on higher education. Boolean search statement: Covid-19 pandemic AND Higher education or college or university or post-secondary or postsecondary AND Physical and mental health????????? Library source: National Academies of Sciences, E. and M., Health and Medicine Division, Policy and Global Affairs, Board on Health Sciences Policy, Board on Higher Education and Workforce, Committee on Mental Health, S. U. and W. in S. U. and G. E., Layne A. Scherer, & Alan I. Leshner. (2021). Mental Health, Substance Use, and Wellbeing in Higher Education?: Supporting the Whole Student. National Academies Press. Google Scholarly: Edem Adzovie, D., & Jibril, A. B. (2022). Assessment of the effects of Covid-19 pandemic on the prospects of e-learning in higher learning institutions: The mediating role of academic innovativeness and technological growth. Cogent Education, 9(1), 2041222. Finlay, M. J., Tinnion, D. J., & Simpson, T. (2022). A virtual versus blended learning approach to higher education during the COVID-19 pandemic: The experiences of a sport and exercise science student cohort. Journal of hospitality, leisure, sport & tourism education, 30, 100363. Jehi, T., Khan, R., Dos Santos, H., & Majzoub, N. (2022). Effect of COVID-19 outbreak on anxiety among students of higher education; A review of literature. Current Psychology, 1-15. Papademetriou, C., Anastasiadou, S., Konteos, G., & Papalexandris, S. (2022). COVID-19 pandemic: the impact of the social media technology on higher education. Education Sciences, 12(4), 261. Rashid, S., & Yadav, S. S. (2020). Impact of Covid-19 pandemic on higher education and research. Indian Journal of Human Development, 14(2), 340-343. Toquero, C. M. (2020). Challenges and opportunities for higher education amid the COVID-19 pandemic: The Philippine context. Pedagogical Research, 5(4). Locating resources: By logging into the UMGC Library the first option is an easy search based on our topic we can choose easier search engine or opt for the advanced search which will be located right below the easier search bar. In the advanced search we have plenty of options including the use of Boolean's wherein we can alter and narrow down the results specifically, some of the option I explored were - date published, journal name, language, image quick view types, peer reviewed, and the discipline of search. I entered following search with the Boolean, with the option peer reviewed and year 2021 since I wanted data that were post-first pandemic strike: Covid-19 pandemic AND Higher education or college or university or post-secondary or postsecondary AND Physical and mental health In terms of getting stuck the module had provided a detailed video link that eases up the process we just need to follow the steps.? ?More Articles From Research