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Question.4074 - Completed Matrix With Narrative As you complete the work on your matrix, observe how the approaches are similar and different across and down the cells. You will need to draw on those observations as you develop your narrative this week. As you prepare to develop your narrative, it is also important to organize your references so that you can refer back to the original sources. For this Assignment, you will create a brief narrative summarizing what you have learned, citing your sources. This Assignment will be a helpful guide as you read other qualitative studies for your capstone. Resources Be sure to review the Learning Resources before completing this activity. Click the weekly resources link to access the resources.  WEEKLY RESOURCES To Prepare for this Assignment: Review the work that you have done in the last two weeks, making sure that each cell in the matrix is completed. Create your reference list, including books and methodological articles on each area. You can use the ones listed in the Learning Resources and search for your own as well. By Day 5 Write a 2- to 3-page narrative. In your narrative, be sure to respond to the following: Summarize what you have learned about the similarities and differences among the approaches. Describe how what you’ve learned by developing the matrix has allowed you to choose the approach that you plan to use for your research plan in this course. Identify the approach you intend to use for your research question. Describe your rationale for your choice of approach. Submit your Qualitative Research Approaches Matrix Template (which you worked on during Weeks 2 and 3) and your narrative to your Instructor.

Answer Below:

Introduction             This assignment will focus on the narrative of insights gained from my Qualitative research approaches matrix and the approach plan I will use for my research question. This narrative will reflect the similarities and differences among the qualitative research approaches and justify my choice based on research goals. This assignment will reflect on how the qualitative matrix is applied to explore the impact of social media usage on the mental well-being of adolescents. Similarities and Differences among the approaches             The qualitative approaches explored new paths and theories of research, including ethnography, grounded theory, and phenomenology, sharing a common aim of understanding human experiences. On the contrary, their methodologies and ways of exploration differ where ethnography focuses on the cultural context; however, grounded theory aims to generate theory from data. On the other hand, phenomenology seeks to understand participants' lived experiences in depth. Applying case studies in this scenario to explore social media's impact on adolescents' mental well-being involves an in-depth analysis of a real-world phenomenon to gain a comprehensive understanding of it. Case studies are necessary to understand social values due to their multiple methods, contextual study, descriptive information, and theoretical relevance. Hence, in consideration of this phenomenology would be applied in the research evaluating appropriate potentialities and impact of social media on the mental well-being of adolescents. Reflection on the Matrix Qualitative Research Methods Matrix Submit in Week 2 Approach Disciplinary Roots Focus of Central Research Question Unique Terminology Primary Data Sources Sampling Issues Analysis Plan Guidelines References Basic Qualitative Inquiry Philosophy, history constructionism, phenomenology How can the experience of [an event, circumstance, program, a context] be described or explored? What is the meaning of [a process, program, or event] to the target individual(s) of interest? What “practical” knowledge can be learned? Use of the words “describe,” “explore,”  “experience,” and “meaning” in title and research questions Interviews Choice is a function of the question Content analysis is a good choice as it is generic and exploratory Elo et al., 2014 Merriam, 2009 Saldana, 2016 Worthington,  2013 Qualitative Case Study: In-depth examination of a specific group of adolescents, including students at a particular school or those from a defined community in order to understand their social media usage Education, sociology, and applied research Examining how social media influences the behavior and decision-making qualities of adolescent individuals within a specific context Context-specific Case analysis Bounded system Interviews or consent activity logs Purposeful selection of a specific group with shared characteristics Challenges included assessment in order to evaluate private data and ethical considerations Cross-case synthesis in order to identify patterns and outliers Use of data triangulation for reliability Baskarada, S. (2014). Qualitative case study guidelines. Baškarada, S.(2014). Qualitative case studies guidelines. The Qualitative Report, 19(40), 1-25. Grounded Theory and Realism Sociology, symbolic interactionism Investigates how adolescents develop habits, coping mechanism, and attitudes toward social media use Emergence of theory, inductive, theoretical sampling, constant comparison, open coding, axial coding, saturation, memo writing Sequential interviews with focus groups of adolescents discussing social media experiences Theoretical sampling in order to explore emerging patterns with the need for flexibility in sample size until data saturation is reached Open and axial coding in order to identify themes with constant comparison to refine emerging theories Rennie, D. L. (2000). Grounded theory methodology as methodical hermeneutics: Reconciling realism and relativism. Theory & Psychology, 10(4), 481-502. Phenomenology and Heuristic Inquiry It focuses on drawing the idea of exploring the lived experience of a phenomenon. Similarly, it emphasizes lived experiences and the essence of phenomena The study seeks in order to uncover the essence and structure of how adolescents experience social media in their daily lives, emphasizing the perceived impact on their emotional well-being. Apart from this, it may even focus on evaluating interpersonal relationships and the development of their personal identities. Lived experience Essence Phenomenon Bracketing Intentionality Hermeneutics This focuses on in-depth interviews with adolescents who actively use social media. Furthermore, it may even apply to reflective journals from participants about their daily interactions with social media. Similarly, observations of participants’ engagement patterns on social media platforms will be assessed The potential challenges may include recruiting participants who have been willing to reflect deeply on their experiences and ensuring confidentiality given the sensitive nature of their online interactions Transcribing interviews could analyze the reflective journals and observations. Appropriate themes can be developed into detailed descriptions of the essence of adolescents’ social media experiences Mihalache, G. (2019). Heuristic inquiry: Differentiated from descriptive phenomenology and aligned with transpersonal research methods. The Humanistic Psychologist, 47(2), 136. Submit in Week 3 Approach Disciplinary Roots Focus of Central Research Question Unique Terminology Primary Data Sources Sampling Issues Analysis Plan Guidelines References Social Constructivism and Narrative Inquiry Psychology, education, sociology Investigating how adolescents narrate their experiences with social media and co-create them identifies in online spaces Co-construction, narratives, subjectivity, and reflexivity Personal stories and reflective writing from adolescents with narrative interviews focusing on their social media interactions Select individuals who have directly experienced the phenomenon of interest Using narrative analysis in order to identify key themes and storylines. This may even focus on patterns of meaning-making and identity construction Canuel, M. J. (2015). Modeling social constructivist methodologies in professional development for online teachers: A narrative inquiry. Northcentral University. Systems Theory Systems theory, ecology, organizational studies How and why does this system as a whole function as it does? What are the system’s boundaries and interrelationships, and how do these affect perspectives about how and why the system functions as it does? Boundaries Interrelationships Feedback loops Holistic perspective Surveys Observations of interactions Selecting participants embedded in different social and cultural systems System mapping Content and structural analysis Jackson, M. C. (1985). Social systems theory and practice: The need for a critical approach. International Journal Of General System, 10(2-3), 135-151. Ethnography and Autoethnography Anthropology, sociology, and cultural studies Exploring cultural norms and practices related to adolescents develop within social media platforms Cultural immersion Insider perspective Fieldwork Reflexivity Participant observation in online forums Autoethnographic accounts Identifying specific social media Ethical challenges Thematic Analysis Triangulate Findings Ellis, Adams & Bochner, 2011 Hoey, 2014 Rose, 1993 Interactive and Participatory Qualitative Applications Community psychology, participatory action research, and educational research How participants through collaborative inquiry, perceive and address influence social media on their emotional well-being, relationships, and identity development Action research, co-researcher, participant-researcher, learning organization, dialogue, appreciative inquiry Workshops and focus groups Collaborative creation of digital narratives Journal of diaries Recruiting participants Ensuring diversity Ethical considerations Thematic analysis, collaborative interpretation Iterative cycles of reflection Patton, M.Q. (2014). Qualitative Research & Evaluation Methods: Integrating Theory and Practice. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications The italics text indicates example response. Modified from Patton, M.Q. (2014). Qualitative Research & Evaluation Methods: Integrating Theory and Practice. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications             By developing the matrix, I systematically compared the methods' strengths and limitations. By evaluating these qualitative research approaches, I evaluated which methodology could better fit the scenario of exploring the pattern of social media impact. This process helped me recognize the phenomenological approach with appropriate emphasis on personal narratives and subjective interpretation, which mainly aligned with my research objective and questions. The Approach to Research Question             A phenomenological qualitative approach is well-suited for exploring how individuals make sense of their experiences being affected or other impacts faced with the increasing usage of social media (Priya, 2021). This would focus on drawing the idea of exploring the lived experience of a phenomenon. Similarly, this may emphasize the lived experiences uncovering the essence and structure of how the adolescents experience social media in their daily lives and even emphasize on perceived impact on their emotional well-being and mental health. Hence, this focuses on in-depth interviews with adolescents who actively use social media and even apply to reflective journals from participants about them daily interactions with social media. Conclusion Developing the matrix has aided me in differentiating various qualitative approaches and choosing the one best suited to my research question. In this scenario, I focused on case studies, considering the approaches to exploring time scenarios and enhancing the broader applicability.     References Priya, A. (2021). Case study methodology of qualitative research: Key attributes and navigating the conundrums in its application. Sociological Bulletin, 70(1), 94-110.  

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