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Question.918 - Prepare a critique of the sampling strategy used by Yob and Brewer (n.d.). Include the following your critique: The purpose of the study Research questions Site selection The type of purposeful sampling strategy the researchers applied.  An alternative sampling strategy that the researchers could have considered. Explain your choice in terms of how the strategy is consistent with their research purpose and criteria for selecting cases. Provide a data saturation definition and evaluate the work of the researchers in this article regarding their efforts to achieve data saturation. Note what the researchers could have done differently to convince you that the relevant and important themes emerged.

Answer Below:

The article "Working Toward the Common Good: An Online University's Perception on Social Change, by Yob & Brewer," explores the online university's approach to promoting social change to achieve a common goal through academic initiatives. The purpose of the study: is to understand the online university's perspectives and initiatives that were drafted in accordance with social change through their programs. The Research question: How do online universities approach the goal of social change? What are some of the specific interventions and initiatives that the universities offer to promote social change? What could be some of the contributing factors to the success of these initiatives? What is the future scope for the initiatives to be expanded upon? Site selection: According to my understanding, I believe that the researcher did not explicitly mention the site selection process; on the other hand, they had mentioned that the research tends to give emphasis on a single online university. The type of purposeful sampling strategy the research has applied  is criterion sampling; this is a purposeful sampling strategy that tends to evaluate the selection of cases in accordance with predetermined criteria. The participants in the study were selected based on their involvement in the university's social change and interventions. The alternative sampling strategy for the researcher to consider can be random sampling since it allows the probability of sampling to select the participants randomly from the online university student population. The alternative approach tends to provide scope for the researcher to explore the research topic from the broader perspective in terms of the university's social change initiatives, which gives them the scope not to directly involve in the programs or initiatives. Data saturation is the stage at which the researcher reaches the stagnation phase to provide no new information pertaining to the research or no scope for broadening the research topic with additional data. The research we're analyzing does not explicitly define data saturation. But in the research paper, there is a claim of redundancy, where the analyzed data were no longer able to produce newer information. The research paper has conducted around 28-semi structured interviews and utilized thematic analysis. In terms of the researcher's effort to achieve data saturation, they have increased the interviews and gathered the data for analysis. One suggestion could be a member check in order to improve the data by establishing a participatory research model wherein the participants tend to review the findings to affirm the accuracy. References Yob, I., & Brewer, P. (n.d.). Working toward the common good: An online university's perspectives on social change Download Working toward the common good: An online university's perspectives on social change. 1-25.

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