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Question.879 - Question #1: Of the types of ethnographies mentioned in the PowerPoint presentation, which is most appealing to you or is most appropriate to your general research interests? Why? (5 points). Question #2: You are designing an ethnographic research study. The purpose of the study is  “A study of the administrator's role in higher education management at the post-secondary level".  Design this study by identifying some initial decisions that you should make with regard to the research design.  What research problem can you address with this study? What type of ethnography will you choose?  Why did you choose this type of ethnography and why is it appropriate for the study? Are there other decisions that you should make? (Creswell, 2008) (15 points).

Answer Below:

Hello everyone, According to my understanding: 1) Critical ethnography may appeal to academics interested in investigating the perceptions of marginalized persons and groups since it allows for a thorough examination of how social institutions and societal practices impact their lives. It may also be used to promote social justice and raise the voices of individuals who are frequently marginalized in mainstream culture. Additionally, critical ethnography allows the researcher to examine his or her own standpoint and prejudice, in addition to the role of power and advantage in the research process. This self-reflexivity can increase the accuracy and validity of research findings, as well as lead to a more sophisticated understanding of the topic under investigation. In conclusion, critical ethnography may appeal to scholars interested in promoting social justice, questioning prevailing narratives and power systems, and investigating the experiences of oppressed people. 2) The goal of this study is to investigate the function of administrators in postsecondary higher education administration. Kind of ethnography: For this project, I would do a case study ethnography. Case study ethnography provides for a detailed evaluation of a single social phenomena, in this case, the function of administrators in higher education administration. The study's focus will be on comprehending the administrators' perspectives, the issues they confront, and the techniques they employ to overcome these challenges. Case study ethnography is an excellent ethnography type for this study since it facilitates for the analysis of complex social processes in a specific environment. It also enables the investigation of the interrelationships between various components and how they contribute to the phenomena under investigation (Creswell, 2013). This sort of ethnography is especially effective for researching administrative responsibilities since it allows for the investigation of individual situations as well as the variables that impact administrative decision-making. Additional choices: Other considerations for this study include determining the sample size, selecting acceptable data gathering techniques, and setting data analysis criteria. The sample size should be carefully selected to assure that it is indicative of the population under study. The sample size should be carefully selected to assure that it is representative of the population under study. Interviews with administrators, observation of administrative meetings and decision-making processes, and examination of administrative documents might all be used to collect data. Data analysis criteria should also be developed to guarantee that data is evaluated in a systematic and thorough way. Reference: Creswell, J. W. (2013). Qualitative inquiry and research design: Choosing among five approaches. Sage publications.

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