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Question.940 - Post your explanation of the characteristics of a good qualitative interview. Also include what makes a good interview guide. Use the interview questions from Yob and Brewer’s interview guide to support your post.

Answer Below:

1) Considering Walden University's "Interviewing Techniques, Part One" was insightful in terms of providing a lot of intriguing information on conducting a qualitative research interview - that included what could be good interviewing skills, how active listening can help in ensuring credible data collection, paraphrasing the qualitative data, and probing that helped to elicit detailed and informative responses from the interviewees.? The video tends to imply that building a rapport with the participants will aid in obtaining a piece of better quality information in terms of engagement of the participants. Although the interviewer took time to introduce herself in order to explain the purpose of the research, it helped them build a rapport, such as a comfortable zone on infusing probing in a respectful environment, that helped the entire process to instill a sense of trust-building which led the interviewee to be encouraged to openness during the interview process. Avoid guiding the interviewee or asking leading questions that may prejudice their replies; it could lead to obtaining biased information. In one of the scenarios, the interviewer posed a question that indicated a specific answer, which might affect the interviewee's response.? Such as probing questions were inclined towards closed answers in terms of morale and school behavior. Interviewers should make an effort to offer open-ended questions that allow interviewees to freely share their opinions and experiences. This watching experience will help me approach the interviewing task outlined in this week's Major task by emphasizing the necessity of establishing rapport with interviewees and avoiding leading questions. It also emphasized the importance of active listening with empathetic towards the interviewee and questioning in order to elicit rich and thorough replies from respondents. The interviewer utilized open-ended questions, active listening, and paraphrasing in "Doctoral Research: Interviewing Techniques, Part Two" to encourage the respondent to disclose specific information. Furthermore, the interviewer demonstrated empathy and respect for the interviewee, resulting in a relaxed and trusting setting. The interviewer did, however, interrupt the interviewee at times, which may have disturbed the flow of the talk. Part Two included a more scripted or may be well-planned and professional interview than Part One. While guiding the conversation, the interviewer employed a structured interview guide and enabled the interviewee to talk freely. Some of the listening cues, like non-verbal nods and humming, were employed to acknowledge the informational flow. Because the interviewee was encouraged to relate personal experiences, the conversation became more interesting and instructive. However, the interviewer posed leading questions in Part One, which may have impacted the interviewee's replies. Overall, both sections of the "Doctoral Research: Interviewing Techniques" series are informed about how to conduct productive interviews. Part Two practices like active listening, open-ended questions, and consideration for the interviewee are critical for conducting high-quality interviews. Unlike Part One, the approaches practiced in Part Two made the participant stay over time for a few more questions. At the end of Part Two, the interviewer asked a summarizing question that sums up the large qualitative information. ?Watching these videos has helped me appreciate the significance of having an organized interview guide and a welcoming setting for the interviewee. These best practices will be included in my approach to the interviewing task. References Walden University, LLC. (Producer). (2016).?Doctoral research: Interviewing techniques, part one?[Video file]. Baltimore, MD: Author. Walden University, LLC. (Producer). (2016).?Doctoral research: Interviewing techniques, part two?[Video file]. Baltimore, MD: Author. 2) In order to employ a good qualitative interview that utilizes several characteristics that assures the interviewer the collection of accurate and meaningful information from the interviewee it is important to establish a comfort zone for the interviewee and builds trust enabling the participants to express unhindered information. Followed by open-endedquestions that enable the participants to explore the topic without hesitation and, during this process, approach the participants with empathy and active listening skills, the attitude and behavioral cues as seen in the week 7 module interviewing videos; the approach was polite, which enabled the interviewer to understand participant and interpret their responses. It is also important to avoid leading questions that could produce influential answers or biased information that could compromise the credibility of the information. The interviewer has ethical responsibility in terms of consent and confidentiality.A good interview guide should include open-ended questions that probe the research topic while enabling participants to express themselves in their own terms. It should be straightforward, succinct, and easy to understand in order to ensure uniformity between interviews. The guide should also be adaptable, allowing the interviewer to follow up on unusual or fascinating comments.The questions in Yob and Brewer's interview guide are open-ended and meant to elicit participants' experiences and ideas on social change. "Tell me about a time when you witnessed social change occur," for example (p. 15), invites people to share a personal story.Another example is "What factors, in your opinion, have the most significant impact on social change?" (p. 17), enabling participants to express themselves without being influenced by the interviewer. These questions, together with the others in the interview guide, exhibit the qualities of an effective qualitative interview guide.ReferencesYob, I., & Brewer, P. (n.d.). ?Working toward the common good: An online university's perspectives on social change. 125.

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