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Question.1690 - Do Domestic Violence Offenders Who Participate In Domestic Violence Reduction Programs Have Reduced Chances Of Future Domestic Violence Incidents Compared To Non-Program Participants?

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Introduction The topic that has been considered for the proposed study is related to domestic violence reduction programs. Their efficiency in reducing violent incidences will be explored in detail in this section. This section of the study will further introduce the concerned topic and provide the reasons for conducting the proposed study in the rationale part of this section.   Background Information Domestic violence is one of the key issues that has been evident in the world. These kinds of violence are found to create depression and injuries in the victim further increasing economic and social costs. These costs are incurred due to the services governments need to cater for treating as well as supporting the abused individuals. It has been further reported that in 2018, 1 out of 3 women in the world experienced domestic violence (United Nations, n.d.). It has also been estimated that almost every minute 20 individuals are physically abused by their partners in the US ranging from rape to homicide. Not only do women but men and children also face these kinds of domestic violence (NCADV, n.d.). To address this issue both national and state governments facilitate several preventions and/or reduction programs. For instance, the Illinois Department of Human Services (2023) facilitates anti-violence programs that avail prevention services in school and provide professional training to law enforcement officials and healthcare providers. Media outreach campaigns are also launched to spread awareness regarding the issue of domestic violence. Partner Abuse Intervention Programs have also been funded by the same department to reduce as well as prevent domestic violence. These programs offer education to assist domestic violence offenders and abusers. They are made to understand the attitudes, which might lead to domestic violence. They are encouraged to be accountable for their actions and assisted in learning non-violence and non-abusive ways to communicate with their partners or other family members (Illinois Department of Human Services, 2023). Thus, it is important to understand whether the issue is actually being addressed or not. Rationale for the Proposed Study Even after facilitating successful programs, it has been found that incidences of domestic violence are being repeated. Recidivism is an increasing issue in the area of domestic violence. Domestic violence offenders are often asked to attend treatment programs but they are not found to have a positive influence on recidivism. Group-based interventions are found to have some level of positive influence on repeat violence incidences, thereby reducing them significantly (Miller, Drake, & Nafziger, 2013). Therefore, it is majorly required to understand the effectiveness of such interventions for perpetrators or abusers to reduce the future possibility of domestic incidents. This is one of the reasons for proposing this study. Thus, it can be said that domestic violence is a serious public issue experienced throughout the world. Domestic violence is not only experienced by women but also by men and children. This is the reason why organizations and governments throughout the world facilitate domestic violence prevention or reduction interventions. They usually educate the abusers or offenders so that they can amend their behavior and avoid considering abusive ways to communicate with their family members. However, some of these programs are not found to be effective in addressing repeat incidences. Therefore, it can be concluded that it has become immensely imperative to understand whether these programs actually reduce future domestic violence incidences. This is the rationale for proposing the study. Since it is imperative to understand the research topic better, current pieces of literature will be explored and the opinions/viewpoints of varied researchers and authors will be taken into consideration in the next section.  

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