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Question.961 - Hide Assignment Information Instructions   You will use the Template for Search Strategy Assignment, which also includes a cover sheet in APA 7 format.  [You can refer to this paper format for future assignments.]   The template asks you to select a topic and complete a search strategy table similar to the one in the Unit 1 Learning Resources.  After your table is complete, practice creating Boolean search statements. Boolean is new to many students; make your best effort and we'll work together from there.  The Unit 1 Discussion provides an opportunity to receive feedback on this much of the assignment before moving on. You are encouraged review replies to that topic and consider the feedback you and your peers may have received.  In Unit 2, we practice using the UMGC Library. As you search the library, take time to experiment and play. Small changes to a Boolean search can have a big impact on the results. As you can see in the assignment, we will each capture and share images of our search results in the template.   After this initial search process, we will refine our searches to narrow the results by using advanced search techniques or database limiters. After we capture images of our refined search results, the template asks us to find a relevant source from the open web. It also asks us to select one article to continue working with. We will learn to cite our sources using APA 7 format. Finally, the template asks why you chose the article you chose.      The Unit 2 Discussion gives us an opportunity to share the sources we found and to receive feedback on the APA format before we submit our assignments for grading. Posting on-time (by Sunday night) in Unit 2 will ensure there is time to receive feedback and make changes before the assignment deadline.   Please upload your completed template to the Search Strategy Assignment folder. Submit as a docx or pdf file. The Search Strategy assignment is due at the end of Unit 2, Tuesday, 11:59 pm ET.   ? Before submitting your assignment, ask yourself: 1) Have I narrowed my research topic to create an open-ended research question?  2) Have I included snips or screen captures of my search results showing:            - My search as I entered it into the system            - The limiters on the left side of the screen            - The first few results  3) Have I chosen a research article that aligns with my research question? Is it available for free in full-text? Does it contain clear references to outside sources?  We will continue working with the articles we choose here in Unit 3, for the Article Analysis assignment.  I have provided you with an example of what an "A" paper looks like!

Answer Below:

My Search Strategy for The effect of the Covid-19 pandemic on higher education Brian Robinson University of Maryland Global Campus LIBS 150 6369 Susan Mythen May 29th, 2023 My Search Strategy for The effect of the Covid-19 pandemic on higher education STEP 1: Choose one of the selected topics below for this assignment. Or, if you are currently taking another class, you could use a topic from it. If you would like to propose your own topic, discuss your idea with your professor. State which topic youve chosen. Topics: The effect of the Covid-19 pandemic on higher education The effect of supply chain issues on global commerce The effect of pets on owners mental health The effect of telework on the real estate market Type your answer here: STEP 2: Fill in the table below as a starting point for your search. Please refer to the materials in Week 1, including the Identifying an Information Need learning resource and the example on climate change under the Creating a Search Strategy topic. Step Your answers: 1. Write your topic. The effect of the Covid-19 pandemic on higher education. 2. Use Google or Wikipedia to learn about your topic, narrow your focus, and come up with some key words.? Physical and Mental health of higher education students post-covid-19 pandemic, scholarship impact on higher education students post-covid-19 pandemic, fee structure, online education, educational performance, education gap from UG to PG, 3. Write your research question. How did Covid-19 impact higher education students in the United States? 4. Write a preliminary topic statement based on what you know. [You will use research to validate (or revise) this early assumption.] Students who had to stay home during the Covid-19 pandemic faced a serious gap in knowledge from UG to PG, since they were exposed to not studying for a prolonged period of time. A sudden reopening with a long practice of online education, what difficulties did the students face in terms of phasing out stay at home to visiting colleges for PG. 5. List words or phrases from the topic statement or research question (key concepts) that best describe your topic. Mental health of higher education students post-Covid19 period, higher education, Covid19, Education, Covid19 phase, Online education 6. Consider dates, geographic locations, and/or other relevant limiting factors to narrow your search.?? From December 2020 to 2022 January 7. Now find relevant synonyms, or keywords, of the key concepts you listed is step 5. Public perception on the future of higher education, fee structure fluctuation, laziness, online education, educational performance/effectiveness, scholarship, phasing out pace, mental health of students  depression, difficulty perceiving knowledge, knowledge gap. 8. Write different forms of the words or phrases you listed (if any). NA STEP 3: Create a Boolean Search Statement. Now that you have identified some key concepts and keywords, create a search statement on your topic using Boolean operators. Type it here: Higher education or college or university or post-secondary or postsecondary AND Physical and mental health????????? STEP 4: Now, practice your ability to use advanced searching techniques and show what those search terms would look like. We recommend combining nesting, truncation, and phrase searching techniques in a single search statement. Create a search statement using advanced techniques. Be a Boolean ROCK STAR! Try it here: Covid-19 pandemic AND Higher education or college or university or post-secondary or postsecondary AND Physical and mental health????????? STEP 5: Now start your search. Try your search statement with the Librarys OneSearch tool. Provide a snip (or screenshot) of the results from your search. Share a snip or screenshot of a portion of your initial results here: STEP 6: Now you will narrow your search. Try adding a date range and more keywords or search phrases to limit the number of articles your search identifies. Remember that when you get to the evaluation stage, you will appreciate a more focused group of resources. Provide a snip (or screenshot) that shows the results of your revised search. Type your revised search statement here: Post covid-19 pandemic AND Higher education or college or university or post-secondary or postsecondary AND Knowledge gap AND Mental health of higher education students AND Scholarships for college students Share a snip or screenshot of a portion of your more focused results here: STEP 7: You may get additional and relevant information from websites. Do a Google search on your topic using keywords and review this weeks learning resources on evaluating web sites and evaluating digital sources. Type the name of a website you visited that produced relevant information: https://www.iesalc.unesco.org/en/2022/05/18/report-reveals-the-state-of-higher-education-two-years-on-from-the-disruption-of-covid-19/ STEP 8: From the results of your searches, choose an article that you think is the best resource to get you started. Choose an article that addresses the key concepts of your research question, provides useful information, and comes from a reliable source. Before you start using the material, capture the information that you need for a reference citation in APA 7 format. The complete citation will go on your References page of most papers. There is good information about how to cite resources properly at the Citing and Writing page. There is additional information about citing in Week 3. Here are the elements you need for an article citation: Author last name, first initial. (Year). Article title.?Journal Title, volume(issue), page numbers. DOI or URL?? Elements: Author:?List the last name, followed by the first initial (and second initial).? Year:?List the publication year?between parentheses, followed by a period. Article title:?Capitalize the first word of the title, subtitle, and proper nouns, followed by a period. Journal title:?In italics. Capitalize all important words. Volume and issue number:? Volume number in italics. Issue number in parentheses, no italics. Page number(s):?List page numbers?followed by a period. DOI or URL:?Use DOI when available. If no DOI and from the free web, use a URL. Please provide the reference citation in APA 7 format for your chosen article here: Reference: Report reveals the state of higher education two years on from the disruption of Covid-19. UNESCOIESALC. (2022, September 20). https://www.iesalc.unesco.org/en/2022/05/18/report-reveals-the-state-of-higher-education-two-years-on-from-the-disruption-of-covid-19/ Google ScholarlyEdem Adzovie, D., & Jibril, A. B. (2022). Assessment of the effects of Covid-19 pandemic on the prospects of e-learning in higher learning institutions: The mediating role of academic innovativeness and technological growth. Cogent Education, 9(1), 2041222. Finlay, M. J., Tinnion, D. J., & Simpson, T. (2022). A virtual versus blended learning approach to higher education during the COVID-19 pandemic: The experiences of a sport and exercise science student cohort. Journal of hospitality, leisure, sport & tourism education, 30, 100363. Jehi, T., Khan, R., Dos Santos, H., & Majzoub, N. (2022). Effect of COVID-19 outbreak on anxiety among students of higher education; A review of literature. Current Psychology, 1-15. Papademetriou, C., Anastasiadou, S., Konteos, G., & Papalexandris, S. (2022). COVID-19 pandemic: the impact of the social media technology on higher education. Education Sciences, 12(4), 261. STEP 9: In your next assignment, you will analyze the qualities and usefulness of the article you chose. Please explain briefly why you chose this article over the rest of the articles you found. Type your answer here: I was looking for first-hand resources that could help my research in terms of improving the credibility of the data being presented; the data discussed in the report is from an international organization which ensures that the data could be untampered. The information also expands the scope of research in terms sudden shift in the surge of the flow of students post-Covid 19 and institutions phasing out physical education and stepping into taking education hands reach of the target audience, also how the perception of higher education has changed in terms of significance. You are finished! Please save this completed assignment and submit it to the Search Strategy Assignment folder. Thank you!!

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