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Question.1828 - Self Reflection Discussion Assignment   For this mini assignment,Iwant you to take a step back from your research proposal, and think about your topic asit relates to you. Specifically, how you may or may not be dealng with your own personalthoughtsr.deas biases on this topic as you try and research it (a nd design an experiment around it) in a neutral,scient fic way.Therefore, Iwant you to spend some time thinking and responding to the following questions below. Really spend some time on this. Please note that your response will only be seen by me,not your classmates,so please be open and honest about this. You can either attach a word doc docx or pdf file with your reply, or you can type directly into the assignment text box.       Everyone has their own thoughts and beliefs on topics, which are informed from their experiences as a human being. Sometimes, these experiences lead us to be interested in certain topics more than others (e.g., police use of force; drug treatment programming; juvenile boot camps). These interests which can influence what we choose to research, read about, focus on, etc.   Sometimes this means we may have already formed opinions about topics •before• we start reading research on them. This can make it hard to be 'neutral' when conducting research on those topics, compared to other topics that we may not have strong feelings about. Sometimes, what's going on in the world right now can influ ence how we think and feel about the topic.   Please take some time to consider the topic you chose for your own research proposal. Try and respond to the following questions:   Why did you choose this topic? Does it mean something personally to you? Did you start your research on this topic with some pre-existing thoughts/beliefs about the topic and/or what you would discover? Are there things going on in the world right now that are influencing your views on this topic? How would you feel if your research on this topic contradicted your prior assumptions? Could any of this be influencing how you are thinking about the research studies you're reading, the conclusions researchers are making, and/or your expectations about the topic? Could any of this be considered a form of bias about your topic? Is there something you think can be done to approach this topic in a more neutral way, to help set aside any personal biases you might have, in order to more carefully consider the existing research?

Answer Below:

I have chosen the topic “Do domestic violence offenders who participate in domestic violence reduction programs have reduced chances of future domestic violence incidents compared to non-program participants?” because I want to reduce the instances of domestic violence incidents in the future from the increased awareness towards domestic violence reduction programs. The research means personally to me, as I have observed serious family issues created by the domestic violence incidents in my neighbor that severely affected the lives of their children. I have started the research on this topic with some pre-existing thoughts that domestic violence reduction programs are effective in the positive psychological impact on the individual and thereby reduce domestic violence behavior. There has been increased digitalization right now across the world, which has been positively influencing my thoughts on the topic, as an increased number of individuals can participate in domestic violence reduction programs through online platforms that create more effectiveness in reducing domestic violence incidents in society. I will feel disappointed if my research on this topic contradicts with my prior assumptions. I need to further research on the topic considering different contexts and participants to find if there is still a contradiction in findings. However, there might be wrong presumptions that could be influencing how I think about the research studies on this topic and these studies might be in different contexts. The conclusions past researchers have made on the topic might be different from my expectation on the topic, which has been to some extent based on personal observations. The contradictions in the findings could be because of the biases such as a limited number of participants considered for the study and they might be from similar backgrounds to some extent. I could have considered more participants from different cities or localities as well as demographic backgrounds so that personal biases could be eliminated.

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