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Question.835 - Question #1 Please review the Komives, Owen, Longerbeam, Mainella, and Osteen (2005) article that I have posted in Canvas. What are some of the elements of this article that make it a qualitative study? What are some of the elements that make it a grounded theory study? Please be specific. (5 points).   Question #2: Consider the research topic that you identified earlier in the course. How would you modify the topic and what elements of the study would you change to develop the topic into a grounded theory study? (10 points).   Question #3 Of the key characteristics of grounded theory research, in your opinion, which seems the most challenging to understand. Why? (5 points).

Answer Below:

1) Aspects of the article that distinguish it as a qualitative study: The study approach is centered on investigating the participants' subjective experiences and viewpoints, especially their encounters with leadership education (Komives, Owen, Longerbeam, Mainella, & Osteen, 2005). Focus group questionnaires are used to collect data, that provides for a more in-depth knowledge of the participants' perspectives and perceptions (Komives et al., 2005). Thematic analysis is used to analyze the data, that entails detecting patterns and themes that arise from the data (Komives et al., 2005). The findings are provided in a narrative fashion and are founded on the observations and perspectives of the respondents (Komives et al., 2005). Aspects of the article that constitute it a grounded theory analyze: The study's purpose is to generate a theory from the data, especially by investigating the perspectives of leadership educators and the elements that impact their teaching techniques (Komives et al., 2005). Iterative data analysis is used, with researchers returning to the data to construct and enhance subcategories and hypotheses (Komives et al., 2005). The researchers employ theoretical sampling to identify more volunteers who could give insights into the evolving theory (Komives et al., 2005). The article provides a full description of the data-driven theory, including a study of the links among the categories and ideas (Komives et al., 2005). Reference Komives, S. R., Owen, J. E., Longerbeam, S. D., Mainella, F. C., & Osteen, L. (2005). Developing leadership identity: A grounded theory.?Journal of College Student Development, 46(6), 593-611. Developing leadership identity: A grounded theory. Journal of College Student Development, 46(6), 593-611. 2) To turn the research idea into a grounded theory study, I believe it is important to?investigate the elements that promote?the establishment of a healthy human-animal connection in educational settings, in addition to how these qualities lead to improved developmental education. In addition to, analyzing the?human-animal bond contributes to improved developmental education, including enhanced motivation, increased?participation in personal and occupational levels, and emotional control. Also, by?collecting?extensive and thorough data on the respondents' perspectives and opinions in terms of emotional and cognitive development cues?of the human-animal relationship in educational settings using qualitative data gathering approaches such as interviews, focus groups, and observations.?Utilizing?a continual comparative strategy to data analysis, that entails analyzing data from one person or group to data from another participant or group to detect similarities and differences. Theoretical sampling might be used to identify people that can contribute insights into new categories and concepts. By investigating the links between the subcategories and conceptions that emerged from the data, we?may construct a theory that demonstrates how the human-animal connection leads to improved developmental education. This theory might potentially uncover the characteristics that aid in the creation of a positive human-animal bond in educational environments, in addition to the processes through which this bond leads to improved developmental education. 3) Theoretical sampling, in my perspective, is one of the essential elements of grounded theory research that might be difficult to grasp. Instead of picking participants at random or according to a predefined sample strategy, theoretical sampling entails selecting individuals based on the emergent classifications and themes from the data analysis. This can be difficult since it needs the researcher to be adaptable and receptive to new data, in addition to constantly update the sampling method based on theoretical insights acquired through data analysis. For instance, as the data analysis develops, the researcher could discover previously unknown categories and ideas, necessitating the addition of new participants or the rejection of previously selected individuals. This may be a complicated and iterative process that necessitates the researcher constantly reflecting on the evolving categories and concepts and making judgments about which individuals would offer the most valuable data. Prs According to Hagner and Van Dycke (2012), conducting in-depth interviews to discover transition experiences and comparing them to transition goals is one strategy to promote effective transitions for special education children with developmental impairments. "By analyzing the congruence between student objectives and experiences, educators may personalize transition services and supports to assist students accomplish their particular goals," the authors write (Hagner & Van Dycke, 2012, p. 11). This technique might be useful in identifying areas where further assistance may be required to help students accomplish their objectives. References Hagner, D., & Van Dycke, J. (2012). Transition from school to adulthood for youth with developmental disabilities: A review of research. Inclusion, 1(1), 3-13. doi: 10.1352/2326-6988-1.1.3 Hi, great post! I would like to suggest working on this particular research question as one of the parts that you would be addressing in your study - What are the major elements influencing the college selection process of African American students with developmental disabilities? Since college choosing is a critical decision that influences students' academic and social results, yet, the college selection process can be difficult for students with developmental impairments, especially African American students who may encounter additional challenges. Your study could use a grounded theory approach to investigate African American adolescents' experiences and views with developmental impairments to better understand the college choosing process.

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