Question.2009 - Typically, when speaking of validity, qualitative researchers are referring to research that is credible and trustworthy, i.e., the extent to which one can have confidence in the study’s findings (Lincoln & Guba, 1985). Generalizability is typically not a main purpose of qualitative research because the researcher rarely selects a random sample with a goal to generalize to a population or to other settings and groups. Rather, a qualitative researcher’s goal is often to understand a unique event or a purposively selected group of individuals. Therefore, when speaking of reliability, qualitative researchers are typically referring to research that is consistent or dependable (Lincoln & Guba, 1985), i.e., the extent to which the findings of the study are consistent with the data that was collected. Reference: Lincoln, Y. S., & Guba, E. G. (1985). Naturalistic inquiry. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. For this Discussion, you will explain criteria for evaluating the quality of qualitative research and consider the connection of such criteria to philosophical orientations. You will also consider the ethical implications of designing qualitative research. DESIGNING QUALITATIVE RESEARCH 4/26/24, 11:09 AM Topic: Week 8: Discussion 2/3 Post an explanation of two criteria for evaluating the quality of qualitative research designs. Next, explain how these criteria are tied to epistemological and ontological assumptions underlying philosophical orientations and the standards of your discipline. Then, identify a potential ethical issue in qualitative research and explain how it might influence design decisions. Finally, explain what it means for a research topic to be amenable to scientific study using a qualitative approach. Be sure to support your Main Issue Post and Response Post with reference to the week’s Learning Resources and other scholarly evidence in APA Style. Read a selection of your classmates’ postings.
Answer Below:
At the time of evaluating the quality of qualitative research design, it is needed to take in mind its factor of reliability and validity because these two factors are important in any type of scientific research. Validity can be shown with the help of trustworthiness and with this one can find reliability in the research. It is not possible to have the total reliability of data because there are differences in ways of testing methods and designs but in case of reliability of data and its methods of collection can be done. One important aspect of reliability in the field of qualitative research is the fact that data can be transferred to other situations (Rocco, 2010). In the subject of Psychology, it is vital to understand that validity and reliability can have huge impact on epistemological and ontological assumptions. In case of ontology, it is a study of what is real and here there are patterns that exist in the human psychology that can be recognized. On the other hand, epistemological stances use research in order to find the reliability in that information that is known so as to have a better understanding of this world where we are living. One potential ethical issue in the area of qualitative research is to make sure that there is confidentiality and security of the members or the participants especially in case of such type of delicate subjects where there are vulnerable populations involved. Those who are analysts should be able to make sure that there is informed consent and full privacy to make sure that the rights of participants are protected and there is minimal harm or misuse of those. Another potential ethical issue here is the fact that individual researcher having their own personal bias factor while they are evaluating the data and one way to overcome this is to make sure there are more numbers of researchers who are evaluating the data. This will make it less likely that the data will be impacted directly by an individual bias (Mays, 2000). So, it is important to make sure that the research topic is adaptable to be able to follow a scientific approach. Meaning of Amenable research topic for qualitative study is when it takes into consideration investigating complicated phenomenon’s or personal behaviors and also the various perspectives of the participants which make the qualitative research more suited for these subjects and can be taken up easily.More Articles From Research