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A Survey is a type of data collection method where it examines a process or even questions a selected type of sample of individuals in order to obtain data for a type of product, service or a process (Ponto, 2015). Here, it helps to collect the information from the targeted group of people, which is about their knowledge, behavior and opinions and is easy to take which is its biggest strength. Further it seems to be cost effective and takes less amount of time because the researcher knows the process well and the respondents will reply to the questions faster as they have same type of characteristics and possess high level of motivation, which makes the process more effective. It also has disadvantages like having low validity rate because of close-ended questions and data errors because of non-responses to the questions. Further it maybe a case where the number of respondents who will choose to respond to a particular survey question can seem to be different from those who did not respond and all this created a bias. Ethical implications do exist in the data collection method of survey research like transparency where the survey researchers have to be transparent on the way they collect the data and use it showing that they need to be clear and provide a concise information on it, ways by which the data can be used and who all will be able to access the same (Hammer, 2017). Position A: In case of probability sampling, it helps to choose samples from a larger population with the help of method that is based on the probability theory and for a participant who can be a part of this probability should be selected with the help of a random selection method. This sampling method is considered to be apt for quantitative studies where the aim is to use a statistical analysis so as to come to conclusions that is with regards to a large part of the population. This type of sampling cannot be called the best strategy for selecting research participants because at the time when it becomes very difficult or expensive for surveying the whole population, researchers shift to sampling strategy in order to collect the representative data. So, Probability can only help to give the researchers a chance of getting selection and helps to produce such results that are more likely to be accurate to reflect the whole part of the population (Mesa, 2016).                                                                                   References   Hammer M. J. (2017). Ethical Considerations for Data Collection Using Surveys. Oncology nursing forum, 44(2), 157–159.   Martínez-Mesa, J., González-Chica, D. A., Duquia, R. P., Bonamigo, R. R., & Bastos, J. L. (2016). Sampling: how to select participants in my research study?. Anais brasileiros de dermatologia, 91(3), 326–330.   Ponto J. (2015). Understanding and Evaluating Survey Research. Journal of the advanced practitioner in oncology, 6(2), 168–171.              

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