Question.2760 - 1. what are the challenges you still need to overcome before you can produce an excellent proposal 2. What do you think you need to work on more and why? An example would be, I need to work on time management during the process so I wont get overwhelmed and submit subpar work...
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The key challenges that I will have to overcome will be connected with three elements. First, detailed research into the existing literature review and research would be difficult. There will be need for understanding the existing research material work so that there will be clear understanding and assessment on the research topic. The detailed insight on the existing research material will provide perspectives of different authors and researchers. There will be need for review of the work process in which existing research materials will impact the needs of the current research report. Drawing insights from existing literature review would be essential for enhancing the quality of new research topics. Searching for existing research material will be quite difficult and there will be risk of managing control over the quality of additional research. Additionally, there is need to overcome the challenges of getting access to updated assessment of the cultural and political influences on the community members in the contemporary world. Considering the fluidity in which people are likely to react, there will be difficulty in getting access to data which matches within the contemporary world. Current assessment of the perceptions of people would be difficult to handle and assess. There will be need to understand the process in which diversity needs of people would be reviewed in the modern era. Clear changes are visible within the society which would have to be managed and engaged within the diversity needs of people. All these aspects call for the creation of right kind of engagement of the needs of the people. Contemporary impact on the lives of the community members will have to be understood. There will be need to work on two aspects. First, time management while managing the complex work of the project would be crucial. Time management skills will have to be reviewed and used to ensure successful completion of the work. Second, there will be need to review the process in which communication flow will be managed so that the details of the project are shared and presented in a coherent manner. Simple and clear presentation of the data and research would be crucial. I will have to work on these work areas.More Articles From Research