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Question.814 - Practice conducting a literature review using the educational topic that you chose for this course. Go through the following steps for conducting a literature review, ending with a brief literature review of two articles: (a) identify key terms to use in your search for literature; (b) locate literature about a topic by consulting several types of materials and databases, including those available at an academic library and on the Internet; (c) critically evaluate and select the literature for your review; (d) organize the literature you have selected by abstracting or taking notes on the literature and developing a visual diagram of it; and (e) write a review that reports summaries of the literature (Creswell, 2015).

Answer Below:

Literature Review Essay Denrick Lewis Gambling University DEED 736: Qualitative Research Methods Dr. Daphne E. Williams February 13th, 2023 Literature Review "How dog and human interaction in aid in psychological impact and other recreational influence," there have been several research pertaining to dogs having a positive impact on human healing post-medical implications, in addition to how they serve as a compassionate element in elevating the social cues in patients. According to the American Kennel Club  dogs serve as a social lubricant to support and uplift the lives of humans; the research also proved that interaction with dogs showed increased social interaction among the participants, such as openness that helped the people have better conversations that lead to the overall development of physical and mental health ("Why having a dog is actually great for your social life and mental health," 2019). A survey conducted by AARP and Michigan Medicine in accordance with the University of Michigan's Academic medical center depicted the psychological impact on participants who have a dog; over 90% of the participants showed that it helped them de-stress in terms of having an increased beta-endorphin, oxytocin, and higher rate of dopamine. The reports from the American Kennel Club claim that military veterans who had a dog helped them with post-traumatic stress disorder, and it also led to developing better social circles; a survey conducted by AKC shows 90% of the participants with dogs who went for walking on a park made friends with each other ("Why having a dog is actually great for your social life and mental health," 2019). Considering the research conducted by Beetz (2012) on Human-Animal interactions that included various factors like social interactions in terms of human-animal behaviors with several variables such as age, medical conditions, and more, resulting in a reduction of overall stress levels, improvement in the levels of epinephrine and norepinephrine, the participants also showed increased levels of the immune system that helped them cope with psychological implications. ? Considering the recent study, the notion of the human-animal link is well-established, with most people agreeing that connections involving humans and companion animals may be long-lasting and significant (Whiting et al., 2021). The human-animal connection is a potentially productive and adaptive interaction between humans and animals that's also impacted by actions critical to both parties' well-being and quality of life. This covers psychological and cognitive cues in order to determine how it helps an individual perform better in academics and their careers, with a frequency of interaction with companion animals. Engaging with companion animals has been demonstrated to lessen cortisol levels and hypertension. Does the level of cortisol improve memory consolidation? Will it help in understanding how people process informational navigation technique that has an effect on their intellect and cognitive performance? These are some of the research outcomes the study will address.? The concept that animals are helpful for people's well-being is growing in acceptance, although the fact that study findings in a particular field are conflicting and sometimes have significant methodological limitations. Companion animal relationship, for instance, has been shown in research to promote positive?psychological outcomes, including lower stress, reduced anxiety, increased happiness in their?lifestyle, greater interpersonal and communal involvement, and dealing with difficult circumstances.? It's been proposed that the existence of adolescent morphological and behavioral characteristics in companion animals may explain human affinity to certain species (Aranberri et al., 2022). According to preliminary research, the human neurocognitive tendency for the prenatal paradigm might extend to animal face morphologies. The importance of visual expressions, notably developmental characteristics, and countenance indicators as affective and cognitive indicators, is emphasized and examined in this paper as controlling the human-animal relationship, comparable to what may be witnessed in the setting of individual contact. The result is stated that it leads to the overall improvement of cognitive development since the interaction boosts creativity and developmental scope in an individual. Animals have been claimed to increase depression episodes owing to the many obligations and sentimental connections associated with animal care. There is general agreement in the profession that further study into the linkages connecting human interactions with the animal companion?and psychological healthcare and wellness is needed. Although subsequent COVID-19-related statistical analyses indicated a beneficial relationship among animal possession and psychological well-being, further research is essential to investigate whether animals impact human mental and physical health (Shoesmith et al., 2021). The vast number of companion animals in this research clearly saw their animals as assisting people in coping with the initial COVID-19 lockdown stage, providing a crucial resource of psychological reinforcement (Shoesmith et al., 2021). Nevertheless, fears and worries about providing for their animals during this period were commonly expressed, which is probably to have worsened the owner's sense of anxiety. It emphasized the significance of animals as providers of psychological and physiological reinforcement throughout a time whenever the majority of the population is facing sociological and economic issues, reinforcing and expanding on previously discovered possible pathways of benefit. Human-animal interaction?has been proven to affect cardiac output in terms of easing the?heart rate and release of?hormones?associated with happiness, such as oxytocin, b-endorphin, dopamine, phenylacetic acid, and serotonin, each of them involved in the regulation of emotional stability that provides more scope of the participants to engage with their day to day life without compromising their productivity (Shoesmith et al., 2021). Oxytocin is a neuropeptide that has long been associated with parental care in women and animal participants. Several physiological adaptations are caused by oxytocin, including reducing heart rate and respiration, regulating blood circulation, mitigating the flow of?adrenaline and cortisol, and providing a sensation of calmness (Borgi & Cirulli, 2016). The neurobiological modulation of the interpersonal interaction between humans and animals through dopamine release is given special attention; it aids an individual in controlling their stress levels and directs their mind space toward educational performance (Borgi & Cirulli, 2016). Rather than viewing companion animals as simply replacing time with other routine activities resulting in bleak performance and stressed lifestyle and the research underline the vital significance of companion animals in people's lives in this assessment. For example, the intention of the research is to regard companion animals' capacity to interact with people as satisfying the desire for attentiveness and emotional commitment, thereby performing comparable behavioral and adaptive purposes as human-human partnerships.? According to research, the human-animal connection raises oxytocin concentrations in the hippocampus (Shoesmith et al., 2021). In addition to impacting physiological adaptations in the cortex, interactions with animals give humans a wide spectrum of psychological and interpersonal connections, which might absorb stress and potentially enhance fortitude or the capacity to endure and recuperate from adversity. Companion animals can, however, help those who are socially isolated or lonely. Isolation due to mental stress?is a major public health problem that has a negative impact on psychological health. According to scientific evidence, the welcoming character of pets makes them perfect friends for youngsters who are socially isolated (Aranberri et al., 2022). Animals may also function as a channel for relational integration, leading to enhanced socializing through civic participation and more frequent trips to the veterinarian, which is especially useful for elderly people who live in?solitary (Whiting et al., 2021). Several research has been conducted to assess the impact of the human-animal connection?on anxiety. One research of pet owners in a high-stress job discovered that having an animal?companion offered the non-evaluative interpersonal connections needed to operate as a stress barrier. Prompt recuperation following a rapid stress response is thought to be an adaptation from the cortisol released due to the human-animal interaction, with the danger getting addressed quickly through more physiological levels because the person could rebound making it possible for them to focus on the need of the hour. Allostasis is the mechanism through which our bodies attain constancy during change, comprised of active mechanisms whereby an individual adapts to everyday occurrences in an attempt to preserve its natural homeostasis or stability (Whiting et al., 2021). The act of upsetting and recovering balance, on the other hand, comes with a consequence. The word biomechanical and postural conveying to the prolonged deterioration of the body that occurs whenever a person is continuously confronted with stressful events. The long-term consequences of repetitive stressor experiences have been thoroughly demonstrated throughout the mind and body.? Stress could also be defined simply as the?dynamic connection involving a person and their surroundings that includes an assessment of the magnitude of the stressful event and whether more resources are necessary (Whiting et al., 2021). The evaluation is the participant's subjective circumstance or stress?occurrence, determining if it represents a challenge. This would be influenced by both interpersonal and contextual influences. As a result, instead of the incident itself, a participant's stress experience is mostly driven by their?perception of the experience. Furthermore, animal-assisted therapy (AAT) has been proven to reduce stress in stressful circumstances (Habri, 2020). Two-year randomized fully mitigated research looked at the impact of animal-assisted psychotherapy on occupational stress in college students who were at high risk of failing their classes. Research that looked at the function animals contribute to the interpersonal care channels of animal lovers dealing with psychological health discovered that people created practices with their dogs that provided psychological and emotional support (Habri, 2020). This study discovered that simply caregiving for an animal was sufficient to establish a relaxing habit, a feeling of control, and assurance to rely on in situations of distress and showed increased performance in terms of productivity at occupational and educational levels. This research indicates that animals might be important providers of therapy for those dealing with long-term psychological healthcare issues. References American Kennel Club. (2019, July 19).?Why having a dog is actually great for your social life and mental health. American Kennel Club. Retrieved January 27, 2023, from https://www.akc.org/expert-advice/news/dog-actually-great-social-life-mental-health/#:~:text=%E2%80%9CResearch%20suggests%20that%20our%20connections,play%2C%20and%20more%20laughing.%E2%80%9D Beetz, A., Uvn?s-Moberg, K., Julius, H., & Kotrschal, K. (2012). Psychosocial and psychophysiological effects of human-animal interactions: the possible role of oxytocin.?Frontiers in Psychology,?3, 234. Borgi, M., & Cirulli, F. (2016). Mechanisms underlying human-animal relationships.?Frontiers in Psychology, 298. Aranberri-Ruiz, A., Aritzeta, A., Olarza, A., Soroa, G., & Mindeguia, R. (2022). Reducing anxiety and social stress in primary education: A breath-focused heart rate variability biofeedback intervention.?International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health,?19(16), 10181. Habri. (2020, May 18).?The human-animal bond for Mental Health. HABRI. Retrieved from https://habri.org/blog/the-human-animal-bond-for-mental-health/ Whiting, S. B., Wass, S. V., Green, S., & Thomas, M. S. (2021). Stress and learning in pupils: Neuroscience evidence and its relevance for teachers.?Mind, Brain, and Education,?15(2), 177-188. Shoesmith, E., Shahab, L., Kale, D., Mills, D. S., Reeve, C., Toner, P., ... & Ratschen, E. (2021). The influence of humananimal interactions on mental and physical health during the first COVID-19 lockdown phase in the UK: A qualitative exploration.?International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health,?18(3), 976.

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