Question.1037 - Demonstrating your ability to properly choose and cite sources effectively is an important Learning Outcome of this course. Another vital Learning Outcome is your ability to properly summarize, paraphrase, and directly quote relevant sources. Please go to this page: Integrating SourcesLinks to an external site. Refer to the 'Contents' tab to navigate to and review the 'Choosing Sources' and 'Quoting/Paraphrasing/Summarizing Sources' sections.
Answer Below:
There are various methods to include sources in one's work; one can add the sources by quoting, paraphrasing, or summarizing the main points. (Palmquist et al., 2022) Adding sources is essential for various reasons like credibility, which is the trust one can build that their content is original and the sources they have used are reliable, transparency is like proof for one's readers to understand why you selected the sources, avoiding plagiarism is a necessity because plagiarizing can have serious consequences. It questions your credibility; the sources should be verifiable so that readers can access and recognize the substructure of your sources. Adding sources can act as an expert's testimony because students often face unfamiliar subjects for their research, and using good sources can enhance one's work quality. Sources also confirm that one's opinions are not just thoughts but are shared opinions of other experts in the same field. A lot of times, as a student, we don't get the time or resources to manage unmediated surveys or experiments of our own, so adding factual sources to our work can be verified easily by our readers; it is also one of the most credible forms of sources to add in one's research, which is why students should refer to reliable sources that other people have cited previously to enhance the credibility of their work. References Palmquist, Mike, Peter Connor, & Andrea Bennett. (2022). Integrating Sources.?Writing@CSU. Colorado State University. Articles From Research