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INTRODUCTION All through history, the rights of women have been the subject of much debate and argument. The conception of a woman's 'right' can take a diverse forms including voting, reproductive control, equality in the workplace and service in the military. In majority of society the women's movement has been a subject to faced opposition and equality has been tough won. The campaigners of equal rights have championed the movement with the objective of establishing fair and equivalent treatment for women under law. Does Islam actually put restrictions on rights and freedom of women? RIGHTS & EQUALITY OF WOMEN The right’s and equality of women has nothing to do with Islam. Islam and the Holy Quran have given women all freedom like that of man do. It is just the fundamentalist forces that have gained ground today are not allowing it. It is a well established fact sacred text of Islam like the Quran and the Hadith puts men & women at par in many aspects. Also in reality in opposition to the earlier conditions where the muslim women’s status was like a slave in the then existing pre-Islamic society, Islam had raised women’s status in geometrical proportion. “Allah thus allowed men in view of the social context and societal values a slight edge over women but also warned them elsewhere as one of the last revelation in respect of women that men and women are equal in the sight of Allah (Quran, 33:35). Thus under the Islamic law, women being at par with men, have the benefit of all the rights & freedom. This is in fact, in contradiction to the widespread belief that Islam deny women of their natural rights. (Ahmed, Delhi, 2001). Islam puts stress on the relationship between body and mind. By covering the body one protects the heart from impurities. Men are given instructions to control or avert their eyes from women, and it is expected from women to wear loose outer clothing and to cover their heads and bosoms. Ultimate the goal of veiling is righteousness of the heart. The reason of hijab (veiling) in Islam is mainly to arouse modesty in both men and women. Women are expected in the Holy Qur’an to cover their heads and to pull their coverings over their bosoms. Men are expected in the Holy Qur’an to lower their gazes. (Islamic FAQ) WOMEN IN THE ARAB WORLD Women in the Arab world, similar to the other areas of the world, have been discriminated and have been subjected to limitations on their rights & freedoms. Many of such practices are dependent on religious beliefs, but most of the restrictions are cultural and come from tradition rather than religion. These key constraints which create hindrances towards the rights & liberties of women have been reflected in laws that deal with criminal justice, economy, education and healthcare. The main problem with the Arab women is their ignorance. However there is no shame in ignorance. It can be changed with proper information and having a readiness to listen. But, there is culpability in getting to an outlook which promotes and protects such ignorance. In the Islamic image of the Arab woman, The Prophet said, "Women are men's sisters." The equality of both sexes is also confirmed by the Koran: "We have created you, men and women, tribes and nations so you would get to know each other and to realize that the best among you is the most righteous." Islam has granted the woman the responsibilities which are due to her being a human being; a woman should pray, should fast in the month of Ramadan, if possible should go to the pilgrimage once in her lifetime and she should also give alms. Like a man, if she fails to fulfill all her responsibilities, she shall not go to heaven; but she shall go to hell. A woman needs to select her own path and differentiate between what is right and what is wrong. The Koran says, "The believers, men and women, are responsible for each other, they command what is right and forbid what is wrong." Also while exercising authority and power the difference between men and women does not exist. Then Islam pronounced a woman without any exception is capable of exercising all her rights; to follow her social activity, to possess, to sell, to buy and get married, all this with no restriction or with no guidance of any other human being. Islam being a starting point, Muslim women flourished and bloomed as sisters within the society, the society which extends from the Arabian Peninsula to the China borders in the East and the France borders in the West. The people of Arab acquired their knowledge along with them. The Muslim & Arab women have been a feasible entity since a long time. Regarding the Muslim woman, nobody is able to take the Word of God through his Messenger from her. Her development is her own and she knows she can achieve her liberation on her own. The Arab woman has the advantage of 14 centuries of accumulated wisdom. Above all, she has the benefit of making her own choices in the creation and experiencing an entire freedom. SHARIA & WOMEN’S RIGHTS Sharia or Islamic law, is a body of laws that states all aspects of life in Islamic countries. It is derived from three sources: the Quran, or Islam's sacred text; the Hadiths, or the Prophet Muhammad's sayings; and the Sunnah, or the Prophet's practices. Theoretically a woman has specific rights under the Islamic law but, because of the huge number of interpretations of Islamic law around the world, there are differences in the rights granted to Muslim women. A widespread mistaken belief is that Islam is homogenous, i.e. all Muslims act in the same way and are holding similar beliefs. It is essential to avoid generalizing Islam, since it is a varied religion having followers around the whole world. In addition, many people by mistake believe women are oppressed by Islam, but Islam does not oppresses women; but the social and political structures and makers of law in each society maneuver Islam so that oppressing women and taking their rights away become permissible. According to Islamic law, women are entitled to certain rights. Whether women will get their rights depending on who is interpreting the law, and the place where the interpretation is being taken. Simply put by Angha, the Prophet has set forth specific rules and laws, but some Muslims choose to follow them while others do not. The extent to which Muslims abide by these rules and laws also varies (Islamic law & Women’s Rights). Rights over Property Under the Islamic law, women can purchase and sell properties along with they can open businesses. Women also have inheritance rights, i.e. a woman has the right over half of a man's share. On divorce, the woman has the right to her share of property from the marriage. Social and Political Rights In Islam women also have the right to pursue education. Muhammad was of the belief and encouraged men and women both to pursue learning & education. In fact, it became a religious duty. The teachings of Islam also support the right of women to public aspects of life such as voting and other political affairs. Marital Rights Women and men both have the right to marry as per their choice and they should not be forced against their will. Upon getting married, a woman can request her dowry from her husband at any point of time in the marriage. Furthermore, the first wife of a man has a right to decide whether her husband can marry a second wife or not. Women are also allowed to initiate divorce, but only under specific conditions. WORKS CITED Ahmed Nassem (2001): Liberation of Muslim women, Delhi: Kalpez, Islamic FAQ > The Veil, What is the concept of wearing veil in Islam? Retrieved on 10 th March, 2013 from Islamic law & Women’s Rights, by Nancy Chen, Retrieved on 10 th March, 2013 from Women in the arab world, Potentials & Prospects, published by Arab Perspectives in its October, 1980 issue, Vol. 1, No. 7, Retrieved on 10 th March, 2013 from Articles From English