Question.3027 - Assignment This assignment is designed to help you prepare to write your final paper—a synthesis of multiple perspectives on a question at issue. Think about it like a pre- writing assignment for your final. By writing a research proposal, you will be able to generate ideas for your final paper and set up a research strategy. Your research proposal should be 3-4 pages long, but it is not set up like a normal essay, in fact much of it can just be in a list format. It will have four sections: 1) An introduction, 2) working hypothesis, 3) working bibliography, and 4) research strategy. Organization You can find guidelines for organizing your proposal under the Assignment Tab in the Paper #3: Research Proposal folder. You will also find a model to follow there. Basically your research proposal should have four sections, each with its own heading. ? Introduction: The introduction to your proposal should be only one or two paragraphs explaining why you have chosen to research your topic. It should explain how your topic is relevant to you, and your readers. You will not only be explaining why you are interested in your topic, but why others should be interested in it as well. What is the question you are exploring and why did you choose it? ? Working hypothesis: This section is basically the answer to your question and eventually, once you have done more research and developed your response a little better, this hypothesis will become your thesis statement. Your hypothesis should explain what you are going to talk about. At this point it is fine if your hypothesis is a few sentences long, but eventually you will want to refine it into one concise thesis statement, so keep that in mind. ? Working bibliography: Your working bibliography will have a list of the sources you are planning on using to write your paper. Each source will be formatted like it would be for a reference list. After each source you should have a couple sentences explaining what the source is and what it talks about. You need a minimum of FIVE SOURCES. ? Research strategy (which contains two subsections) o What do I need to know? You just need to list what you still need to figure out for your paper. What do you need to research still and what do you need to learn? o Where will I look for answers? Where are you going to find the things you still need to know?
Answer Below:
Introduction Obesity is the bane of the modern civilization and the advancement of the modern technology has raised the chances of wide levels of obesity related disease. A number of ailments can be directly and indirectly attributed on account of obesity, however, the most deadly of them is the problem of heart disease. Obesity had led to rapid growth and increase in the propensity of heart- related disorders. It would not be untrue to mention that obesity and its impact of heart disease has reached epic proportions which might have the look of an epidemic. “American government researchers said that obesity is quickly overtaking smoking as the country's number one killer” (, 2004)). This has led many believe that obesity might have an epidemic outlook. Early and preventive action against obesity is of utmost importance and it calls for affirmative action. Obesity is a lifestyle disorder and “an estimated 300,000 deaths per year are due to the obesity epidemic” ( However, the worst part of obesity is the danger it poses is still in its infancy which raises the issue of larger problems developing in not so distant future that requires closer scrutiny and focus on this disease. It is seen from research that “obesity is a serious risk factor for coronary heart disease, on a par with cigarette smoking, physical inactivity, and high blood cholesterol” (Eckel & Krauss, 1998). Being just in its infancy raises the risk of bigger complications in the near future; hence, this requires closer attention. As per the research conduct by American Heart Association, nearly 78 million American adults who make up 34.6% of population and nearly 31.8% children are obese. (American Heart Association, 2013). Such large-scale impact of obesity makes heart disease a common ailment and requires to be highlighted through this paper. Working Hypotheses Obesity is a major cause of concern for rising levels of heart diseases and runs the risk of reaching epidemic proportions. Obesity which is explained as the body condition where the body mass index is more than 30 kg/m 2 . Thus, more than normal body weight condition leads to obesity. Among the major causes of this lifestyle disorders are the growth in the intake of fast food, sugary drinks, lack of physical activity with the advent of computer games and other electronic devices, lower propensity among people to exercise, etc. Most of these are related to lack of proper lifestyle systems. Therefore, obesity is as much lifestyle problem as it is a disease. Societal factors are the main causes of growth in obesity. The growth in the use of “energy-dense food at relatively low cost, access to motorized transport, mechanism of work, and sedentary lifestyle” (Korbonits, 2008) has increased the level of obesity. The severity of obesity has hit upon people in a number of manners. While, the elderly face a severe lack of optimum body movement as “their physical functioning declines because of a decrease in muscle mass and strength and an increase in the joint problem” (American Council on Science and Health, 2010). However, the most severe impact of obesity has been on the incidence heart related issues. “The incidence of heart disease which includes heart attack, cognitive heart failure, sudden cardiac arrest, and angina or chest pain, is increased in persons who have Body Mass Index of 25 or greater” (Stern & Kazaks, 2009). The build-up of higher cholesterol levels and increased blood pressure adds to the risk of heart diseases due to obesity. Lack of suitable exercise and sporting activities, which is further aggravated by the presence of binge eating of junk food, is the main cause of obesity among teenagers. This has resulted in a more than normal increase in the levels of obesity related disorders among children. Infact, the fight against the impact of obesity on heart diseases should begin from this point. It is pertinent that children are made aware of the issues involving obesity, primarily the impact of obesity on their heart. Heart disease could be controlled to great extent in case children are able to control their weight early on in their life. Changing lifestyle and eating disorder has raised the danger of heart ailments even among children. Therefore, a sharp focus should be applied on ways to control obesity in order to reduce chances of heart disorders. (Hills, King & Byrne, 2007) The common ways through which obesity can be controlled are through changes in lifestyle. It should begin with reduction is sedentary lifestyle while employing a more active form of living life. Reduction in the intake of cholesterol filled food and increase in physical activity is a good way of reducing obesity and consequently containing the risk of heart-related issues. This way obesity’s impact on human heart could be controlled. Working bibliography American Council on Science and Health. (2010). Obesity and Its Health Effects. American Council on Science and Health. This book shall used to describe the severity of the impact of obesity upon people. The main impact that obesity has on people. American Heart Association. (2013). Obesity Information. Retrieved from Information_UCM_307908_Article.jsp This source shall be used to provide details of overall impact of obesity on people. It provides data related to the impact of obesity on the overall population. This shall allow bringing out the impact of obesity on population. Eckel, R., & Krauss, R. (1998). American Heart Association Call to Action: Obesity as a Major Risk Factor for Coronary Heart Disease. Retrieved from This scholarly source focuses on the relationship that obesity has with heart ailments. It shall provide the details related to obesity’s impact on heart diseases. Hills, A., King, N., & Byrne, N. (2007). Children, Obesity and Exercise. Routledge This source shall be utilized to highlight the impact of obesity on children. It lists the overall impact of obesity upon children. Korbonits, M. (2008). Obesity and Metabolism. Karger Publishers This book focuses the causes of obesity. Obesity is a lifestyle disorder and this source provides details of the various causes which lead to obesity. (2004). Obesity overtaking smoking as America's number one killer. Retrieved from This source enlists the impact of obesity on American population. The overall impact of obesity on American population is enlisted in this source. Stern, J., Kazaks, A. (2009). Obesity: A Reference Handbook. Rutledge. This book shall be utilized to establish a link between obesity and heart disease. The source dwells into various issues related to obesity and shall provide details of the impact of obesity on heart disorders. Research Strategy Things that need to be looked into This paper requires in-depth analysis and research on the main causes of obesity among people. In the next step it is pertinent to analyze in details about the impact of obesity on heart functioning. Research has to be carried out using secondary sources on the level of relationship that heart diseases have with obesity and how it is slowly increasing to epidemic proportions. Places to look for answers The answers of the above issues shall be provided in scholarly journals, books and authentic websites which carry information on subjects related to obesity and its impact of human body. However, an extra emphasis shall be provided to sources which provide details about the impact of obesity upon heart diseases. Some of the possible sources are mentioned in the bibliography which shall provide the required information for suitable analysis.More Articles From English