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Question.748 - Part 1: Initial Post Read Chapter 1 in Convince Me Strategies or modes of development can include the following:(Links to an external site.) Narration  (Links to an external sitClassification (Links to an external site.) Process Analysis (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.)Comparison Contrast (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.) Persuasion(Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.) These modes are often listed in the verb form as well. In ENG101 or in another Composition I course, you may have written essays using those strategies. In this class, you will continue to do so as well, but you will deepen your approach as you apply them to the creation of an argumentative essay. Reflect  As a developing writer, it is important to continue employing and developing these modes to maximize the effect of your message. Think of a recent piece of writing, regardless of length, you produced at work or home, in which you used one or more of these calculated moves to achieve the desired effect. Write For this post, in 250-500-words, consider the following questions: What strategy or combination of strategies of development do you remember using? How or why did you choose the strategies of development? What effect did they produce on your audience? How do you know this effect was achieved?

Answer Below:

As a developing writer, I have found it essential to continue employing and developing these modes to communicate my message effectively. In a recent persuasive essay I wrote for ENG 101; I used persuasion to convince my audience to adopt a particular viewpoint or take a specific action. To begin with, I carefully selected my arguments and evidence to support my position. I made sure to present a balanced and logical case, considering both sides of the issue and acknowledging any possible counterarguments. I also anticipated potential objections or questions my audience might have and provided answers or explanations to address these concerns. In addition, I employed various rhetorical techniques, such as rhetorical questions and emotional appeals, to engage my audience and try to persuade them on a deeper level. I would also create a more equal and just society. I appealed to compassion and fairness and tried to make a moral case for my position. I also used clear and concise language and structured my essay logically and coherently to ensure that my message was easy to understand and follow. Overall, my use of persuasion helped me effectively communicate my message and persuade my audience to consider my perspective. I am confident I can become a more effective and persuasive writer by continuing to develop and refine these strategies. I was able to effectively argue my position and persuade my audience to consider my point of view. Continuing to create and utilize these modes of development will be vital for me as a writer, as it will help me to communicate my ideas and persuade others of my positions effectively.

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