Question.2878 - Cell Phones have changed us socially
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1. Introduction – Cell phones have become an essential part of an individual life. With the time span it is increasing its space in personal and professional life of everyone. It is also seen that they have changed our style and our interactions ability. In simple words they changed us socially with both positive and negative effects. 2. Body – ? History of cell phones ? General features of cell phone ? Positive impact of cell phones ? Negative impact of cell phones 3. Conclusion Sultan BinLibdah 3 Cell phones - How have they changed us socially? A cell phone or a mobile phone is equipment with the help of which we can receive and make calls while moving in different and wide geographic area. Another name for cell phones is Cellular phone or hand phone. They are wireless thus they are easy to carry them anywhere in a pocket or handbag, thus providing convenience to public for conversation on the phone anywhere and anytime. Cellular phones are connected to the cellular network which is provided by mobile phone operator of the particular company whose SIM card is used in the cell phone. It also supports many kinds of services apart from just making and receiving calls such as messaging through SMS service, mms, internet services for emailing, browsing and social networking, Bluetooth for transferring files from one phone to another phone in the coverage area, camera for photography, gaming and business applications. Phones having all these special and computer features are referred as smart phones and work like a mini computer for several people. With the span of time it had been observed that the use of cell phones has increased. They have a great impact on us and they have changed our life and our ability of social interactions. Thus, cell phones have changed us socially. History of Cell phones Phones with some about features like cell phone were introduced long time back, but one of the major introduction of cell phones was given in 1973 when employer and researcher of Motorola Martin Cooper introduces Motorola Dynatac. It does have the display screen, but users can talk, listen and dial easily thus providing them convenience. From that time to this time we have seen vast improvement in the cell phone devices and their features and application. ("Who Invented the Cell Phone? History of Mobile Phone Invention.") General Features of Cell phone Sultan BinLibdah 4 Today there are a large variety of cell phones in the market with valuable features which make them useful to its users. SMS – Short message service on mobile phone help its users to type text messages and sent to another person in their phone. Battery – battery provides power to the systems of cell phone to make them work. Sim card- Sim card is a chip like equipment made up of plastic and placed in phones which will help users to operate cell phones with their number which is given by the SIM card operator. Different companies like Idea, Airtel, Vodaphone have their own Sims which are used in phones to provide the network. Camera – It helps its users to capture pictures or make videos anywhere and anytime. Bluetooth- It helps in transferring files like pictures, videos, text to another cell phone which is in coverage area and readiness to accept or send the files. Browsing – many cell phones also provide facility to browse the internet for the use of users to obtain any information. These are some of the main features of cell phones. Apart from them there are many others which help users in many ways, but they depend to happen in different cell phones and network. It really matter a lot, which company cell phone you have and on which company network you are registered. Each company tries their best to provide their customer satisfaction in their services provided. Approach to thesis Cell phones have created their own place in the life of all people despite of being they are young or old. Today the usage of cell phones is very high and it became the most Sultan BinLibdah 5 important tool to communicate with each other. Today everyone owns a mobile phone and it has become a necessity for everyone. In official papers also authorities expect the person to fill their mobile number in comparison to landline number. If in today’s time any person is seen without mobile phone it is found very uncomfortable. Positive impact of Cell phones The cell phone is really an innovative invention which changed the way people interact. In the past years people had to use the traditional way of communicating with each other in the form of letters and many other such process which is less effective and take time in reaching each other. Communications, which had to be urgently communicated are not being done so because of the inability and inadequacy of the communication system in the previous time. Thus, cell phones have provided us the facility to hare urgent information, regardless of distance and location in no time. Cell phones help us in connecting with people, gain information, remain participative and completing our social responsibility by helping and doing welfare of society. Cell phones are equally important for the collective as well as for individual life. It helps in maintaining relations in the society and creating the new one. It mainly helps people living in far geographical areas to connect with each other. Today each and every individual have their own mobile which help them to communicate in their social gathering anywhere and anytime and this changes the type in which individual interact with others. Cell phones have a great impact on the life of an individual as it provides safety, security, status, confidence, stability, individuality and time saving. Cell phones provide individual an instantaneous way of communication which sometimes proves to be very useful in taking decisions and getting urgent information’s. Thus, it helps an individual to manage their life properly. An individual not only have Sultan BinLibdah 6 increased their efficiency personally but also in their professional life. If they are far away from their office, then also they can have instant access to their work, emails, documents and contacts with the internet facility on their cell phones. The internet will help anyone to access any information in no time thus developing confidence. Internet also helps people to buy and sell online across the globe, access to the banking facility, money transfer and many other such activities which changed the face of an individual socially. ("How have Cell Phones changed us socially? Part 1") Social interaction with the help of cell phones have been increased which make us connected to the whole world and keep us aware about what is going around us. For the young individual cell phones have provided them many applications which help them in getting away from boredom and enjoy and entertain themselves at any place and time. Many individuals could not imagine themselves without cell phones as it becomes an essential part of their life. Individuals find that they have many functions on cell phones which are necessary for them in their day to day life. It is also found that cell phones help people who are shy or introvert to mix up with other people on social networking or chats where only audio talks are done without ant face to face interactions. This helps to boost the confidence of such individuals who do not find comfort in communication in front of others. In a study it was found that seeking news on mobiles keep people awaken about the surroundings. They became more participative and also manage their work well by coordinating plans on cell phones. (Goscicki) Sometimes cell phones also help people in increasing their social happiness thus taking them out from loneliness and depression. Some Cell phones also provide facilities of computers which help people to work from anywhere in the emergency. Cell phones also help parents to contact their near and dear ones as cell phones are portable and it too help with safety as Sultan BinLibdah 7 disconnecting of mobile phones is difficult as compared to landlines. Thus they have great impact on society and change the life of people in many ways. Negative impact of Cell phones - Mobile phones have some negative effect which also changes the life of an individual personally, professionally and socially. With the increase in craze of having mobiles some people have become much dependent on them. Before people use to remember the numbers and important dates, but due to mobile applications they have to depend on mobile memory, thus if they are not having their mobile they would not be able to call anyone because they don’t remember the number. They are not able to wish for special days if the mobile does not give them the alert. Another negativity that a mobile is showing is taking people far from the traffic rules. People carry and talk on a mobile while driving thus leading to many accidents and breaking the traffic rules. (Addo 054-055) Sometimes these mobiles are a very useful tool for terrorists and blackmailers which lead to kidnapping, sexual harassment and capturing of wrong audios and videos. Common people are easy targets and thus they get captured in these unauthentic activities. It is also generating the criminal activity in people who are not able to achieve what they want. If mobile applications are useful, they are harmful too. In today’s time people are entering into the situation of monophobia and it is affecting their relations. At the time of eating food or talking to someone people are more attentive towards their mobile phones which lead to clashes between their relationships with each other. People keep their eyes and ear open to listen to the voice of their cell phones, thus they Sultan BinLibdah 8 do not pay attention to other important work which affect their profession and well as their own identity. It is not bad to keep a cell phone, but an effective use of it is very necessary. But people do not understand it and for them mobile becomes more essential than all others. People sleep with their cell phones, play with their cell phones and get panic when their phone goes missing. This brings an uncomfortable situation for an individuals and people who are concerned with than individual. ("Social Impact of mobile Phone device) It has been seen that people check their cell phones in every five minutes and they remain feared that if they will not check they will lose something or miss something. People also take their phones to bathroom for playing. With the use of Facebook and twitter people are also getting, in effect, of abusive language and they are also not forming the right sentences. For interacting on social networking they are using short forms which are taking them far from building proper sentences and delivering their real meaning. It becomes difficult for those persons who are not that smart to understand the coded languages used for social networking, to understand them. ("Mobile Phones and Society â?? How Being Constantly Connected Impacts Our Lives.") Reducing negative effects of cell phones Negative effects that are affecting us socially can be minimized by some useful tips. Today cell phones majorly affect the younger age people and middle age people, thus it is very important that a check is kept on such people. Younger people should try to communicate with others face to face. Children should go outside with family and parents should try to involve their children’s in outdoor activities which decrease their time on cell phones. Parents should also keep a check on what their children are doing with cell phones, which site they are opening and what they are watching. All this will surely help people to change their Sultan BinLibdah 9 perspective and make their relations much better. ("Mobile Phones and Society â?? How Being Constantly Connected Impacts Our Lives.") On the other hand, parents and middle age people should make an effort to give time to their children, family and relatives by keeping them away from cell phones for some time. They should spend the holidays with family, have dinner with family and keep their professional life away from their personal life for better interaction and communication socially. Conclusion- In the conclusion it had been seen that cell phones have an effect on individuals the way they behave in society and the positive and negative effects are considered. Cell phones have changed the way individual interact. Cell phones have helped in maintaining and providing a strong bond in relations. But individuals should take care and try to make the balance of the time they are spending with cell phones. It should be used whenever necessary and should be avoided when no such emergency is there. Students and teen age people should understand if they have given the cell phones it is for their safety and connection between their parents and them, thus they should use it to that level only and should not time pass with it. This will surely help in planning your work and time better and you can spend time with your family too. Sultan BinLibdah 10 Works Cited Addo, Augustine. Journal Issues. N.p., n.d. Web. 4 Apr. 2014. <>. Goscicki, Claire. "Study discovers how cell phone use affects social interactions." The Michigan Daily. N.p., n.d. Web. 4 Apr. 2014. < identify-link-between-cell-phones-and-socialization-habits>. "How have Cell Phones changed us socially? Part 1." Visionary Business Journal. N.p., n.d. Web. 4 Apr. 2014. < have-cell-phones-changed-us-socially-part-1/>. "Mobile Phones and Society â?? How Being Constantly Connected Impacts Our Lives."South Source A Publication of South University. N.p., n.d. Web. 4 Apr. 2014. < connected-impacts-our-lives-137313.aspx>. "Social Impact of mobile Phone device." It's possible! | Afroeuro Foundation. N.p., n.d. Web. 4 Apr. 2014. <>. "Who Invented the Cell Phone? History of Mobile Phone Invention." EngineersGarage | Inspiring Creations. N.p., n.d. Web. 4 Apr. 2014. <>.More Articles From English