Question.4046 - For your first entry this week, I'd like you to put yourself in the shoes of the writer from The Displaced. Once you've walked a mile in his shoes and you've seen life through his eyes, what do you see? How do you feel? Be as thorough as you can with this response. For your second entry this week, I'd like for you to comment on the reading The Black Arc of It. The writer spends a good amount of time discussing the stones that she and her siblings gave her mother, and the stones become somewhat of a symbol throughout this writing. What do the stones represent here in this piece of writing? For your last entry this week, I'd like for you to write a little about climate change. Please write about your views and your position on this issue. If something needs to be done about climate change, what is it? And why does it need to be done? For your first entry this week, I'll be asking you about The "Busy" Trap reading. Kreider suggests that we are addicted to busyness, and that this is a choice that we make for ourselves. After you read through this reading and consider what Kreider is saying, do you think that you are addicted to busyness like he suggests? Why or why not? For your second entry this week, I will ask you about the Loud Hands reading this week. Sequenzia says that "Loud hands have many meanings," and after you consider the main theme of this reading, please write your "loud hands." For your last entry this week, I want you to comment on the essay Hidden Intellectualism. This essay talks about street smarts and book smarts, and it offers unique insights into the common core curriculum that public schools stand by. This reading offers alternative approaches to curriculum, so after reading over this essay, please share your thoughts about whether you agree or disagree with what Graff is suggesting. Why? For your first journal entry, please spend some time reflecting on our class. As it relates to reading and writing, think about where you were at the beginning of our class verses where you are now. Have you developed as a reader and a writer? If so, how? Have the tools we've been working with proved beneficial to you? Are there lessons from this class that you will bring to other classes in the future? Please spend some time with this journal entry, and respond honestly with your thoughts on this class as well as your progress within it. For your second journal entry, I would like for you to comment on your completed research paper. You should write this entry after you submitted your final research paper, and I would like for you to tell me about your confidence level with this paper. How confident were you in writing your paper, and how confident are you that you met all of the requirements for this research paper assignment? For your final journal entry in our class, I would like for you to tell me about your personal dream(s) moving forward. Where do you see yourself in 5 or 10 years? What do you want to be doing with your life? Personally, I think it's important that we dream about the potential for our futures, so please take a few minutes here and tell me about your dreams for the future.
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