Question.3191 - Movie Name: A thousand Words
Answer Below:
A Thousand Words is the story of Eddie Murphy’s character, Jack McCall, who works as a cunning literary agent capable of winning prized book deals with his eloquent ability to speak. On his way to win a book deal from a famed self-help guru, Dr. Sinja (played by Cliff Curtis) through unfair means, he lands into trouble. Divine curse falls upon his life as a mysterious tree appears magically in his house’s backyard which is bound to his life. Every word that Jack speaks makes that tree shed one leaf. The catch is that after the thousand leaves on the trees fall-off, the tree dies, consequently killing Jack in the process. His life goes topsy-turvy and loses his job, his wife and all relationships in his life. With the advice of Dr. Sinja and help from his assistant Aaron (played by Clark Duke), he manages to salvage some of his life and becomes a transformed man. What follows then is oft-repeated formula of a cunning man becoming a like-able good person. Jack’s character undergoes similar metamorphosis but it does not manage to touch the hearts of the audience. Thousand Words is movie that had a promising storyline but it failed to deliver. Eddie Murphy’s characterization as Jack is the central force of the movie. He essays the role of a crafty literary agent with great panache. The usual flair of Murphy is on full display here but the character’s role isn’t able to connect with the audience. He is a man who has been the source of problems for his wife (Kerry Washington), children, mother (Ruby Dee) and faithful assistant. “He treats his assistant (Clark Duke) and others in his circle like personal serfs, though he is more neglectful than abusive about it.” ( Coming from a hugely popular actor who had starred in hit movies like Beverly Hills Cop, this performance was a disappointing affair for his fans. It can be said that, “all in all, (he is) a thoughtless loudmouth, but certainly not a terrible man” Cliff Curtis as Dr. Sinja plays out her role as spiritual guru. This character plays the integral role of initiating the transformation of Jack. While Curtis has been average with his performance here, Kerry Washington as Jack’s wife and Ruby Dee as mother of Jack provide much needed support to the film. Dee effortlessly portrays her role in a graceful manner. A special word has to be put in for Clark Duke, who is the faithful side- kick assistant of Jack. Duke brings along some comic timing to the movie. He is “particularly solid in a disastrous lunch where he impersonates his boss” ( The movie intended to show the magical transformation of Jack from a wicked literary agent, bent on using untruth means to win book-deals to a man who finally accepts virtuous path of life. This seemingly feel-good message has not been able to create magic here. Instead, what comes across is a half-cooked clownish and often destructively hilarious message. Director, Brian Robbins, attempts to get his message across to his audience is lost upon them. His product can be put across as “inoffensive, unsurprising and uninspiring” ( Following the advice of Dr. Sinja, Jack takes up the task to mend his relationships. He works out ways to get across to his hesitating wife, Caroline and reaches out to his mother as well. Ending on a positive note, he gets back his wife and life. The predictability of the plot is its failing. It has been too simplistic and formula driven in its approach. The audience could sense the result of this crooked plot mid-way through this magical horror. It certainly does not do any justice to the skills of the lead actors of the movie. The end of the movie was devoid of any twist and turn which could have held interest the viewers. Sadly, those expected twists and turns never arrive to salvage an ordinary movie and it ends on a disastrous note. Thousand Words is movie that had a promising storyline but it failed to deliver. What began as a storyline with a difference was made into a horrible mix of clownish moments that fail to tickle the funny bones of the audience. It shall be apt to say that “this film is not worth a theater ticket – maybe not even worth a rental. Definitely one to catch on that odd Saturday night cable TV channel surf, where the damage to your wallet (and psyche) will be less felt” ( It is an advice that viewers have to bear in mind if they still imagine of sitting through this movie. Works Cited Huffingston Post. Eddie Murphy's 'Thousand Words' Should Shut Up: Review. 8 Mar. 2012. Web. 17 Mar. 2013. < thousand-words-review_n_1333328.html> Cinema Blend. A Thousand Words. (n.d) Web. 17 Mar. 2013. <> New York Times. Silence Goes Beyond Golden; It Could Save Two Lives. 8 Mar. 2012. Web. 17 Mar. 2013. < robbins.html?_r=0> ScreenRant. A Thousand Words. (n.d) Web. 17 Mar. 2013. < thousand-words-reviews-kofi-158537/>More Articles From English