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Question.3395 - A descriptive outline of Carol Dweck's text  A 150-200 word summary of Carol Dweck's text 

Answer Below:

Chunk What Text Says (Summary) What the Text Does 1) Introduction Dweck in her setting of the book brings in the concept of fixed mindset and growth mindset. The intent behind distinguishing between fixed and growth mindset give the essay context in terms of understanding the difference between fixed and growth mindset. Paragraph 2-3 Coming down further she puts forth the advantages of a growth mindset such as resilience and willingness to face challenges in a discussion format. To annotate in depth on this paragraph she gives positive examples to persuade the readers to benefit from such a mindset. Paragraph 4 She posits that fixed mindset can limit ones true potential and lead to fearing failure. The text lets the reader compare the two mindsets to underscore the negatives of a fixed mindset. Paragraph 5-6 The author suggests how educators can develop a growth mindset to improve learning outcomes. The text encourages the reader to develop similar strategies to foster a love for growth mindset. Paragraph 7 Dweck finishes of the essay by reinstating the importance of mindset in sustaining success and fostering readers to engage in a growth mindset. The text provides a synopsis of key points and inspires readers to apply for growth. Summary In “Even Genius Work Hard," Carol Dweck navigates the impact of mindsets on learning and personal development. She differentiates between a fixed mindset, where individuals believe their abilities are inborn and can not be changed, whereas a growth mindset shows that challenges present opportunities at best for improvement. Dweck argues that a growth mindset can help in resilience, creativity and a start to embrace obstacles, leading to success. Similarly, a fixed mindset can result in a fear of failing and a fear to take challenges head on, in the end it harms personal growth. She stresses on the role of educators in fostering growth mindset in students, allowing for praise of effort rather than talent to encourage an adaptive process to learning. According to Dweck, “people with a growth mindset are seen to work more hard even when they meet obstacles" (26). Her essay serves as a call to action for individuals and educators to embrace the growth mindset as a means to unlock potential and achieve personal and academic success. You can also evidence that she briefly wants to indicate that even when we were all students our teachers asked us to have a fixed mindset

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