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Question.2877 - Are human beings becoming too dependent on technology?

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In today’s time our life is completely changed and we are living in the world of technology which is moving our life. Mobile phones, computers and many other such technologies have changed the style of living of the common people and made a vast difference. Technology is referred to the invention and innovation of a particular thing for accomplishment of goal in a better way. It works like a catalyst in the life of people to perform their day to day activities, and today it is seen that people are using different technologies in their routine life. But it is seen that with the span of time we all are becoming too dependent on these technologies that we have been started working like machines and human features are decreasing day by day. Thus, it seems that we are overly dependent on technologies. It is becoming a debate topic that technologies are controlling our life, while others say that they are making our life easier. Dependency on technologies is day by day increasing. It is seen that with today’s life people can’t stand without mobile phones, computers, and many other such gadgets and they feel incomplete without them. It has been found in countries like India, Brazil, China, France, Italy, US and many more countries that people who are aged between to 18-24 are more dependent on these technologies and 61% people all over these countries felt that people are becoming less human due to the technology effect in their life. A people belonging to the new generation and digital generation also believe that society is becoming dependent on technology and they rely on technology for their success and completion of their goals. (Tahseen) It has been seen that a common people have become lazy with the coming of technology in their life. For an easy task also they like to click a button and accomplish that task in spite of doing it in any other way. It has been also seen that knowledge of technologies is very important in jobs, thus people are taking care of technologies to save their jobs. People believe on machines for calculations and many other such types of work and do not know how it would look like if they do the same work with their hands. In industry also before much work was done by hands and people know how to perform them but now that work is done by machine and employees really don’t know how their product is made and what the quality of their product is. In our day to day life with common examples we can easily understand how much we are dependent on technology. Many times we have experienced that when our laptops and computers stop working or we lose internet connections we became frustrated that now how will our work will be done. In offices also if these situations occur all the working stopped which shows that how much work is based on these technologies. (Kirschner) People do online shopping for their convenience, but many a time they have experienced that they have got wrong products, spoiled products and returning or changing of these products are another big job. Before these technologies people use to get to shops and after satisfying them about the product than only they buy them. This technology has changed our mind and shifted it towards laziness. People are overly dependent on technologies for the reason of showing and upgrading their life style. People buy a big screen television with LED screens, air conditioners, dishwashers, and many more, such things to show and pretend that they have wide knowledge of technologies in front of others. Before also people watch television, wash clothes and utensils, but they do not contain any pretending quality and work with hands give them satisfaction. These technologies are making a gap between relationships of people. People eat, sleep, drink with these technologies and give their main time to them, thus not giving their time to family members. People do not sit together talking, and if by chance they sit with all others, they are busier in their technological gadgets rather than listening to what the discussion is going on. People avoid talking to each other face to face. Today they prefer messaging and calling which is leading to less personal relations between them. For formality people just finish their work by just texting and calling to another person in family members also. Teens give their full time in these technologies in the form of gadgets, TV, video games and thus they started disconnecting from their families and the outside world. It is also seen that before people know their contact numbers in their memory and brain, but today they don’t have access to them without their cell phones. In this condition if they are trapped in an emergency and they don’t have their cell phone what will they do. They don’t remember any number or any address so that they can ask for help. This shows that we are dependent on mobile phone memory rather than our own memory. Today in banking system these technologies have taken a wide role and thus people using the facility of this banking system must be aware of these technologies and their use. But sometimes these technologies create problems for people for the small things like getting cash from the bank. People go to the bank’s ATM for withdrawing cash. Sometimes they find that whether the machine is not working, no cash in the machine or they don’t get the cash in which denominations they want. All these problems do not occur when a person goes into a bank to cashier to withdraw money. At that time it felt like frustrated that we become too lazy because of these machines. In today’s time for small things also we depend on machines like heating food, calculating numerical, and many more such acts. Thus we are moving in the world of technology where we don’t know about their reliability that whether they will work on time and according to our need. Conclusion In conclusion, it is very clear that for small things also we depend on technology, which shows that how much are we dependent on the technologies. Technologies are decreasing the creativity and thinking power of the mind of the people and thus ruining the future of people in some or the other way. People stopped using their mind and by just clicking a button they get their answer. But in reality they are losing their mental strength which will be realized in future that their mind had stopped thinking and working. Machines and technology to be use of a limited amount of work otherwise soon the days will come that human beings will become robot and working like them and controlling the world. Works Cited "Are we too dependent on technology?" Sun Sentinel. N.p., n.d. Web. 4 Apr. 2014. <http://articles.sun-sentinel.com/2008-11-20/features/0811190551_1_cell-phones-teens- new-technology>. "Are we too dependent on Technology?" News24. N.p., n.d. Web. 4 Apr. 2014. <http://www.news24.com/MyNews24/Are-we-too-dependent-on-Technology- 20130121>. Kirschner, Chaine. "7 signs we are too dependent on technology." MNN - Mother Nature Network. N.p., n.d. Web. 4 Apr. 2014. <http://www.mnn.com/green-tech/gadgets- electronics/stories/7-signs-we-are-too-dependent-on-technology>. Tahseen, Ismat. "How dependent are we on technology?" The Times of India. N.p., n.d. Web. 3 Apr. 2014. <http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/life-style/relationships/man- woman/How-dependent-are-we-on-technology/articleshow/24491279.cms>. Yapp, Edwin. "Have we become too dependent on tech?" ZDNet. N.p., n.d. Web. 4 Apr. 2014. <http://www.zdnet.com/have-we-become-too-dependent-on-tech- 2062100571/>.

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