Question.1026 - Discuss an example of a work-related project that is able to be broken down into structure, tasks, subtasks, and work packages, and why project management in the form of a CPM/PERT chart would be cost effective.
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The Example that comes into my mind of a work-related project is launching a new website. They are broken down into a structure, tasks, and subtasks. This involves designing the website's layout, content, and functionality. It also would include developing the website's code and ensuring it has secure and user-friendly. It also involves testing the website to ensure it works properly. Additionally, it includes promoting the website to potential visitors. A CPM/PERT chart is a graphical representation of the project schedule, which shows the relationships between the tasks and subtasks. CPM/PERT helps allocate resources efficiently by identifying critical tasks and their dependencies, allowing the team to prioritize and focus on essential aspects of the project (Difference between pert and CPM). By identifying the critical path, project managers can ensure that tasks are completed in the most efficient sequence, reducing unnecessary delays and optimizing project Timelines.CPM/PERT allows scenario analysis enabling project managers to assess different approaches and select the most cost-effective options before execution (Bagshaw); hence, project management in the form of a CPM/PERT chart would be cost-effective. References Bagshaw, Karibo Benaiah. "Pert and CPM in Project Management with Practical Examples." American Journal of Operations Research, 30 July 2021,,total%20project%20cost%20and%20time. "Difference between Pert and CPM." GeeksforGeeks, 30 Dec. 2020, Articles From Operation Management