Question.3543 - Why is it important for children to wear helmets when riding a bike.? Think of the brain, development and injuries.
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Why is it important for children to wear helmets when riding a bike.? Think of the brain, development and injuries.? The Importance of Helmets for Children Riding Bikes While riding a bike, it is very crucial to wear helmet because it specially protects their developing brains. During the period of childhood, their brains are still growing and maturing when it is still very vulnerable to injury. Due to fall or collision they can have a long-lasting effect on a cognitive and physical development leading to serious head trauma (Miller,1966). To absorb the impact and reduce the risk of severe injuries, helmets are designed. According to the studies, wearing a helmet can decrease the chances of head injuries by up to 85% Sone, (Kondziolka & Samadani, 2017). Considering the fact how every year children are involved in accidents; the mentioned statistic is particularly alarming. Wearing a helmet is a very simple precaution and creates a huge difference between a minor bump and a life-altering injury. The habit of wearing a helmet instils a culture of safety. Children seeing their peers or adults prioritizing safety gear, they also adopt the same practices. This mindset protects them while they are riding a bike as well as it translates into other activities where safety is essential. In the end we can mention that helmets are just not accessories but also a very crucial safety tool which protects brains during one of their favorite activities. Once ensured that the children are wearing helmets while biking, we are safeguarding their health and supporting their growth into healthy, active individuals. References: Miller, H. (1966). Mental Sequel? of Head Injury: Mental After-Effects of Head Injury. Sone, J. Y., Kondziolka, D., Huang, J. H., & Samadani, U. (2017). Helmet efficacy against concussion and traumatic brain injury: a review.?Journal of neurosurgery,?126(3), 768-781.More Articles From Psychology