Question.2082 - Respond to the following with a 175-300 word discussion--be sure to SUQQOrt what Y.OU have to saY. with a Relevant outside Reference (other than the textbook).: Provide a Qecific examQle of how a SQecific international comganY. (such as Unilever or Mondelez International) changesits distribution channels and/or marketing messages based on the country. Research to find an actual company experience to help shape your response. Support what you have to say with an outside reference (other than the text).
Answer Below:
Table of Contents Discussions References Discussions In recent years the distribution channel of a British multinational fast-moving consumer goods company, Unilever has witnessed a massive evolution throughout its supply chain operation. In this context, to depict their presence in many underdeveloped and developing distribution channels Unilever has collaborated with local and rural projects. For example, in the landscape of Ethiopia, the distribution channel of multinational companies such as Unilever has been restricted due to poor infrastructure. Moreover, to serve underdeveloped communities the firm has initiated teamwork with the Clinton Giustra Enterprise Partnership in order to create micro-entrepreneurs opportunities in the region, thereby improving access to goods and services for rural communities (Unilever, 2018). Simultaneously, to analyze the preferences of customers from different countries the distribution channel of Unilever leverages a risk-based approach, based on which the suppliers of the venture from different regions undergo additional due diligence by conducting a third-party audit or certification to fully comply with benchmarked standards in terms of customer preferences (Unilever, 2023). Furthermore, Unilever transforms its distribution network based on the potential requirements of consumers as well as ensures immediate access to a multitude of shareholders in different countries. Therefore, the global operation of Unilever is more adaptable to different aspects of the distribution network based on which the company virtually guarantees direct services to consumers through modes of distribution such as retailers, shopping centers and chain stores. References Unilever. (2018). Sharing our expertise in last-mile distribution. Unilever. Unilever. (2023). Unilever’s supply chain. Articles From Business Management