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Question.3089 - 1. Discussion of Loss Describe any experience you have had with the death of another person or any experience you have had with terminal illness, desertion, or divorce. Where are you or others involved in the stages of coping with this loss? What communication behaviors were most difficult for you in coping with this event? What might you do differently in a similar situation now or in the future?   ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Directions: This Journal Assignment requires you to expound upon the concept listed. For the concept, you should briefly summarize it in 5 to 10 sentences. Then you should PERSONALIZE the concept. This requires you to relate this concept to your personal or professional life. This assignment is confidential and will be kept between you and the instructor. Save the file as an Word or RTF attachment with the filename of YourName_w8writingassignment.rtf. (ex. jdoe_w8writingassignment.doc). Then upload the assignment to the Dropbox. Journal entries are due on the final day of the assigned week. Sample Set-Up: ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Sample Setup: Ima Student SOC3331 Week 8 Writing Assignment Concept 1: State the concept here SUMMARY: Write a short paragraph (between 5-10 sentences) that summarize the concept. PERSONALIZE: You will now personalize this concept by explaining a story from your own life. Write 2-3 paragraphs (1/2 - 1 page). This is a confidential assignment and will be between you and the instructor. Feel free to share your ideas. (Does the knowledge presented change your prior perception? Would you have acted differently? )This is your chance to apply the material. Your instructor will gauge your understanding based upon this discussion. ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Grading: This assignment will be graded according to the following rubric: 1) Formatted Correctly (Did you follow directions above?)= 20 points 2) Proper Grammar (Did you proofread your answers? Grammar check) = 20 points 3) Summary (Did you summarize the concept well--in your own words--without plagiarism?) = 20 points 4) Content (Does your answer provide an understanding of the concept? Does it flow

Answer Below:

Concept 1: Death of grand-mother SUMMARY: Death is the permanent cessation of all biological functions. It is an irrevocable state and results in a permanent absence of consciousness. After death the body of the living organism is interred whole or cremated. After death there are mourning ceremony held in remembrance of the dead human being. PERSONALIZE: Me and my grand-mother were almost inseparable during my childhood. Listening bed-time stories from her was a daily ritual for me. One morning when I woke up, I came to know that she is no more in this world. She won’t respond to my voice and her body was cold. Her body was lying there in front of me with no sign of life. Her dead left me with a severe jolt and an experience of extreme pain. My heart felt heavy and I was unable to register what was going around me. I always thought of her as a perpetual being. I had never imagined even a day without her. When she died I was completely unprepared and could not believe that I won’t see her anymore. I was unable to express my feelings and did not even shed a single tear. I was in deep grief but did not talk to anyone for more than 5 days. I did not ask for help from anyone in coping with my loss. Because of not talking and not expressing my feelings I faced the problem of jaw-locking and later doctor advised me some compose medicines. After my grand-mother’s death I have realized that death is inevitable and everyone has to face it one day or the other. Secondly, I realized that not sharing your feeling with anyone is probably not the best way to cop with the loss or the trauma of a closed one’s death. If something traumatic has happened with you, it is best to share your feelings with your closed ones. References: Bernat, J.L., Culver, C.M., & Gert, B. (1982). DeÆning death in theory and practice. Hastings Center Report 12 ,5-9. Campbell, C.S. (1999). Fundamentals of life and death: Christian fundamentalism and medical science. In: S.J. Youngner, R.M. Arnold, & R. Schapiro (Eds.), The DeÆnition of Death: Contemporary Controversies. Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press.

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