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Scripture is the respected manual of the world's denomination. It includes a wide range of the world's Literature. They differ in age, form, and volume but their usual feature is that their phrases are recognized by the pious as sacred. Scripture seems to support the idea that it is important to explore life to find wisdom and truth. Wisdom and truth are the biggest qualities possessing understanding and knowledge and application required to drive people towards achievement. There are proverbs described - Proverb 18:13-Amid new technologies the greatest benefit provided is the simplification of communication. This potential also has dangers as it is not easy for people lacking discernment, experience, and information to lay out their point of view to others on a wide range and without a significant need to imagine before broadcasting. All media platforms are developed with features of reach, speed and condensation. This makes imperfectly understanding faculties challenged to be immediately conveyed to a huge audience. Such dangers have resulted in countless people making themselves fools when fast-made comments demonstrate enormously uninformed. Another undesirable outcome is the new culture's ability to develop views based on microscopic, non-context headlines, fortifying the error and spreading it. According to Proverb 18:13 if anyone answers before listening, he is shameful and foolish or answering before hearing is shameful and folly. For example, as a wise emperor, Solomon understands the wisdom of listening to all sides of an issue before getting to the result. Speaking before listening is a remark of overconfidence and arrogance. Proverb 10:9-this Proverb is considered the latest English expression. It says that if anyone speaks the truth, they don't have to reminisce about anything. There is no fear of being caught in deceit or lies in an honest and truthful life. Hence, a truthful human being has a secure and happy life. No one can legally create a case against that person. According to Proverb 10:9, the person who lives with honesty lives more securely but any person who deviates his way from honesty will slip and fall or be found out. Solomon also designates that the man who moves towards dishonesty commits evil. Proverb 17:24-Solomon uses disparity to create points about wisdom. The initial phrase is similar to a speech figure, the same as an English expression right in front of your face. Those with discernment or understanding are asserted using words linked with other proverb words (Marfo, 2019). This suggests that understanding people intend their faces towards wisdom or wise Conclusions, but foolish people are not able to see what is wise or reject the wisdom of God. They either look somewhere else or cannot understand wisdom. This Proverb also investigates the idea that God created his truth in a large sense, present for all to see. According to Proverb 17:24, only understandable or discerning people aim their face toward wisdom, the fool's eyes are on the ends of the earth (Juza et al., 2016). All proverbs teach us to establish purpose and discretion in life, to inspire obedience and reverence within the heart, to understand discernment, to cultivate willingness of mind, and to develop alertness in the walk to stay away from the evil path.   References Juza, R. P. (2016). One of the days of the son of man: A reconsideration of luke 17:22. Journal of Biblical Literature, 135(3), 575-595. https://doi.org/10.15699/jbl.1353.2016.156766 Marfo, E. K. (2019). Proverbs 22: 15: Disciplining the Child in Ghanaian Context. Journal of Education, Psychology, and Humanities, 2(2), 99. https://web1.aup.edu.ph/urc/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/JEPH-2019.pdf#page=99

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