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Question.3177 - In 3-5 pages of double-spaced Times New Roman font, with standard margins, write a paper on any of the online documents assigned in the course, or a document on gender history approved by the instructor, which does the following: - Summarizes the content of the historical document;(one page) - Examines the context in which the document was produced; - Classifies the document;(primary or secondary) - Addresses any questions of authenticity which surround the document;(can you trust the document half page) - Explores, at length, the question of whether the document is reliable. (half a page) Topics and a Bibliography of three sources, including at least one book and one article from a scholarly journal, are due in class on March 1. Inappropriate sources include, but are not limited to, encyclopedias, dictionaries, newspaper articles, and magazines. The paper, including an Annotated Bibliography and full citations in any format, is due in class on April 12. Students are encouraged to utilize the writing center, located on the lower level of Farley Library. This is the document that it need to be summarize and everything http://www.fordham.edu/halsall/source/boccacio2.asp

Answer Below:

On set of Black Death: Boccaccio The Decameron About three hundred forty eight years ago in the illustrious city of Florence in Italy the deadly pestilence made its appearance. They were either appeared due the influence of celestial body or by God. The deadly pestilence is said to have it origin in the east where it destroyed the lives of many living beings and then it approached towards the west. In the city of Florence despite of human wisdom and forethought and all precaution that were taken to prevent the deadly pestilence but every action ended in fiasco because towards the beginning of spring the doleful effects of pestilence began to show its horrible symptoms that appeared as miraculous. In the East flow of blood from the nose was the sign of evil death but in women and men it first betrayed itself by the appearance of tumors in the armpit and sometimes the armpit grew as large as an apple or an eggs and sometimes the common folk was known as the gavoccioli, after some times this deadly gavoccioli would spread in all the parts of the body and spreads in all the direction indifferently and they would began to change or black spots or livid making on various parts of the arm pits or the thighs. Gavoccioli was considered as the token of approaching death. No proper remedy were found against it as nothing was striking as it was the fault of the nature or the physician were at fault because no remedy was found against the deadly death approaching gavoccioli. The energy of the contagion pestilence no not only propagated from men to mail but shockingly it was observed that the things which belonged to the sick or the dead of the diseases if touched by other living creature could also fall prey to instant death. In this circumstances people formed a community where people started living a secluded and separate life where they took proper care and avoided every kind of luxury and eating and drinking moderately where they diverted there mind with music and any other delight which they could devise. They followed all kinds of sovereign remedies to avoid inevitable death. In the extremities of the city’s sufferings and tribulation the venerable authority of laws, human and divine were free to do whatever they thought were correct in their eyes. It became a custom that the citizen started avoiding the other citizen, neighbors started avoiding their neighbors. The horror of this deadly pestilence was such that brother was deserted by brother, nephew was deserted by uncle, brother by sister’s husbands by wives but the scariest was that even the parents started deserting their children as if they were strangers. The custom was developed with the women that were neighbors and of kin to the deceased to assemble in the house with the women with whom they were closely connected to wail with them in common while on the other hand the male with due proportion of clergy as per their quality assembled in front of the house to receive the corpse. The dead men were brought on the shoulders of their peers with funeral pomp to the church selected by him before his death as decided by him. It was the most common practice by the neighbors, moved no or less by fear of contamination by the putrefying bodies than by the charity towards the deceased to drag the corpse out of houses with their own hands. The document was produced by Giovanni in context with the deadly pestilence which spreaded like a deadly famine as if it was natures call because the physician were also unable to find out the remedy for the deadly pestilence which started a new secluded or separate culture for the society were people started avoiding other people and where the relationships were becoming meaningless. The document is a primary document as because the content as based on the facts which has happened in the past with the people and the sources are not mentioned the instances or the short stories or short incidents are cited to depict the trueness or fairness of the source. The information is directly collected from its primary source so the document is a primary in nature. Yes, the document can be trusted; no question on its authencity can be raised because nothing any extraordinary or unreliable is stated in the document which is beyond the understanding of the people. The incident which is depicted is seems to be true and reliable. The document states about the deadly pestilence which destroyed the lives of many people and gave rise to all together to a new separate and secluded culture in which people started living alone aloof of their relatives which depicts the true nature of human being that he is very selfish when the question comes about his survival than he can take any necessary step for his own protection. Thus, it can be concluded that nothing unreliable is mentioned in the document. The incidents which are also mentioned in the document are pretty normal and it depicts about the time when medical science was not so developed and people suffered because of it. The document is pretty evident of the time when once if the diseases spreaded like a famine or deadly pestilence it became threat to whole of the mankind. During that time the medical science was not that improved or rather was not that technically developed as it is today so that was the reason that why many of the physician were not able to find out the solution to the deadly pestilence. So the document is authentic as it is based on primary sources. This document sheds light on the moving beliefs among the people concerning their faith on God and describes directly and indirectly the ways in which people confronted the horrible reality of an incurable deadly pestilence in their midst. Many people panicked when they were unable to understand the outcomes of it and many people prayed for it as they found no man-made solution for it. There was no adequate solution to the deadly pestilence however people gave very little attention to the causes of the deadly pestilence but many people gave substantial attention to the deadly pestilence and they took some realistic steps or actions such as blocking or refusing the entry of disease stricken victims from entering cities and towns. So, all together what we can conclude is that the document is taken from the primary source and the document is reliable as well. References: 1. The Black Death - The Decameron - Boccaccio - HistoryWiz Primary ... www.historywiz.com/primarysources/blackdeath.html 2. History of Art: Masterpieces of World Literature-Boccaccio www.all-art.org/world_literature/boccaccio1.htm

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