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Question.3331 -   Now that you have found usable sources for the paper, it is time to start building your entire paper. The opening introduction paragraph and thesis statement should be solidified by this point. This assignment is to create a blueprint of the entire paper from beginning to end. Another way to consider the assignment is the road map directions to the final destination. You will need to include details such as the order of evidence and what sources you plan on using and where.Overall the format is up to you, but I will be looking for details which suggests that you can complete the paper. The finished product is due in just a couple of weeks and this assignment is the last big step towards the finish line.  

Answer Below:

Blueprint of the Paper: "When Did the American Revolution 'Begin'?" Introduction Thesis statement The Stamp Act, which was passed in 1765 and marked the point of no return because it fundamentally changed the relationship between the British government and the American colonies, igniting colonial resistance and laying the groundwork for eventual conflict, is credited with starting the American Revolution rather than the initial shots fired at Lexington and Concord in April 1775. Pre-Stamp Act relationship between Britain and the colonies. The Stamp Act as the Catalyst Escalation of Conflict Post-1765 Military Beginnings and the Declaration of Independence Overview of the American Revolution Conclusion   

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