Question.2017 - Answer one of the following discussion questions with an initial post of 150 words. You must then respond to two classmate discussion posts with a 50 word minimum post for each response. Each response should be well thought out and scholarly. Proper grammar and substantive responses are necessary for full-credit. Initial response is due by Thursday of each week and responses are due by Saturday. The time for due dates are 11:59 pm. NO LATE WORK WILL BE ACCEPTED. This week we are going to be examining some primary resources that go along with our study of American Imperialism. You must choose according to your last name, see below the list. For example if your last name begins with "A" you will seek out an image that is a newspaper article or headline concerning the Spanish American War. Next, you will seek out a primary source image and paste it into our discussion with a 150 word explanation about the image and when it was taken . Describe the image and add information and details explaining what the image represents and offer context. At the bottom of the image you must copy and paste into our discussion board and at the bottom, include a citation. See example below. Finally, comment to two classmates in 50 words about the image and explanation they have presented.
Answer Below:
This is an image drawn based on the Spanish-American War in 1519. The second image showed the moment of that war. In that year, Spanish Commander Hernan attacked the Mexican coastline. After a long period, this war was stopped. But there are some viruses or diseases carried by the Spanish Army like Varicella-zoster virus that caused Chicken Pox and Herpes Zoster to the native field of America. According to Shamoo (2023), many people suffer from this disease. However, the Spanish army knew the treatment of this disease. The first image shows a person who was suffering from the Varicella-zoster virus, and came to a doctor accompanied by two people to carry him. The doctor has a bag with himself that seems to be a bag for his medicine and medical equipment. In the background, there are thousands of people who are possibly the victims of this disease caused by to Spanish-American war. Comment These images show that a war has no positive outcome. At any cost, it always results in destruction. During the Spanish-American War, many people died in the war and the native people died from disease. But a good outcome was there. During this war, the treatment for this disease was discovered and Americans spread it all over the world. References Shamoo, A.E., 2023. Unethical medical treatment and research in US territories. Accountability in Research, 30(7), pp.516-529. Hello Abigail, It was great to go through your post. It is indeed true that if anyone is capable of helping, they should help; it helps others to build the life they want to live. The US intervention has helped other countries get the opportunity to develop their economy and people. Hello Dana, I appreciate your thoughts. I assume that war has helped many countries grow the way they wanted to. As per the information provided, the US has helped many countries when they needed the most. Nothing can be attained without proper planning, proving how in the hotel they planned war.More Articles From History