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Question.477 - Topic 7 DQ 1 After reviewing the "Finding Your Purpose" section in The Beginning of Wisdom, discuss some of the ways that people might discover their purpose. How does the Christian concept of missio Dei fit into a Christian's sense of purpose?

Answer Below:

Hello Class! As usual, this week's reading was intriguing. In my opinion, the purpose is knowing oneself and this process takes a lifetime. When someone says that they have found their purpose, it means they have perceived what are their best qualities, passion, and interests. Based on these, people set an objective to achieve and make growth in that particular thing. This objective is nothing but the purpose of a person. Finding purpose is like a puzzle where one needs to arrange the spread pieces in the right way. The meaning of missio Dei?fit?is the mission of God. It has a significant part in understanding the purpose of the church. This has been going on from the time period of the 20th century. This concept is a kind of motivation for Christians. They believe that God's mission itself is the followers' mission. God has created human beings on this universe for this reason only and this is the strong belief of Christians.

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