Question.1616 - R e q u i r e d R e s o u r c e s Read/review the following resources for this activity: Textbook: Chapter 4, 5 Lesson I n s t r u c t i o n s Remember – these journal questions require more thinking than writing. Think about exactly what you are asked to do, and then write as economically as possible. For this journal assignment, answer each of the following prompts: Important Idea Considering only the Introduction to Chapter 5, in terms of developing critical thinking and reasoning, what do you consider is the most valuable and important idea in that section? You can either summarize or directly quote the text; then, briefly explain why you find this idea important and valuable. Critical Thinking In Chapter 5, the section "Making Arguments" states: "In some ways applying our core critical thinking skills to analysis can be more difficult than offering an evaluative opinion. Analysis, like interpretation, is understanding at a deep level (p. 89)" What concepts discussed in Chapter 4 might make analysis of a statement ? Top ?19/07/2023, 09:03 Week 2: Journal 2/5 difficult – and why? Beliefs Why do you believe what you believe? What is your "evidence"? Test one of your beliefs by asking yourself, "Why?" As you answer each "why," go down another layer – four layers will probably give you a good idea of why you believe what you believe. Your product should show a well-reasoned and logical basis for your belief. Stay away from the big stuff, like believing in God, or who to vote for in the next election, and don't look for sources – this is about what you believe and why you believe it. After all, this is only an 8-week course, and we can't settle everything! Click on the following link for an example of layers of why: ? N o t e Don't be tempted to skip steps. If you start with layer 5, you have just opened up a whole new line of "whys." For example, why should everyone be afforded an opportunity to reach his or her highest potential? After all, for most of the history of the world, that has not been the case. If you include references to outside sources (beyond the textbook), make sure you cite them properly. Example of Layers of Why Suppose your claim is "All people should work to support their children." Here is an example of possible "layers of why" for this claim: Layer 1: People should work to support their children because it is the right thing to do. Layer 2: It is the right thing to do because it is true that children need to be cared for by adults. Layer 3: I believe my last statement is true because it is an accurate description of what occurs – that is, very small children sicken and die if adults do not care for their needs; older children may exhibit many physical and emotional deficiencies if they are not properly cared for. Layer 4: Reasonable attention to the needs of children is just since children are largely dependent on their parents (who, after all, brought them into the world) for all of their needs during the early years of their lives. Furthermore, such attention leads to a healthy, productive and ordered society in which each individual has an opportunity to achieve his or her highest potential. Top19/07/2023, 09:03 Week 2: Journal 3/5 Journal Grading Rubric - 35 pts Wr i t i n g R e q u i r e m e n t s ( A PA f o r m a t ) Length: 1 ½ -2 pages (not including prompts, title page or references page) 1-inch margins Double spaced 12-point Times New Roman font Title page References page (as needed) G r a d i n g This activity will be graded using the Journal Grading Rubric. O u t c o m e s CO 1: Define critical reasoning for application to personal and professional problem solving. CO 4: Evaluate arguments by applying tests of truthfulness, logical strength, relevance, and non-circularity. CO 6: Apply principles of critical reasoning to political, educational, economic, and/or social issues. D u e D a t e By 11:59 p.m. MT on Sunday Top19/07/2023, 09:03 Week 2: Journal 4/5 Criteria Ratings Pts 5 pts 15 pts 10 pts Length 5 pts Meets length requirement 0 pts Does not meet length requirement Content Reflection 15 pts Reflection demonstrates a high degree of critical thinking in applying, analyzing, and evaluating key course concepts and theories from readings, lectures, media, discussions activities, and/or assignments. Insightful and relevant connections made through contextual explanations, inferences, and e x am ples. 12.75 pts Reflection demonstrates some degree of critical thinking in applying, analyzing, and/or evaluating key course concepts and theories from readings, lectures, media, discussions activities, and/or assignments. Connections made through explanations, inferences, and/or exa m ples. 11.25 pts Reflection demonstrates limited critical thinking in applying, analyzing, and/or evaluating key course concepts and theories from readings, lectures, media, discussions, activities, and/or assignments. Minimal connections made through explanations, inferences, and/or exa m ples. 9 pts Reflection lacks critical thinking. Superficial connections are made with key course concepts and course materials, activities, and/or assignments. 0 pts Little or no reflection; copies or repeats text or lecture. Personal Growth 1 0 p ts Conveys strong evidence of reflection on own work with a personal response to the self assessment questions posed. Demonstrates significant personal growth and awareness of deeper meaning 8.5 p ts Conveys evidence of reflection on own work with a personal response to the self assessment questions posed. Demonstrates satisfactory personal growth a nd awareness through some inferences made, 7.5 p ts Conveys limited evidence of reflection on own work in response to the self assessment questions posed. Demonstrates less than adequate personal growth and awareness through few or simplistic 6 pts Conveys inadequate evidence of reflection on own work in response to the self assessment questions posed. Personal growth and awareness are not evident and/or demonstrates a neutral experience 0 pts No evidence of reflection. Top19/07/2023, 09:03 Week 2: Journal 5/5 Total Points: 35 Criteria Ratings Pts 5 pts through inferences made, examples, well developed insights, and substantial depth in perceptions and c hal lenges. Syn thes izes cu rren t e x pe rie n ce into future im p l icat ions. examples, insights, and challenges. Some thought of the future implications of current experience. inferences made, examples, insights, and/or challenges that are not well developed. Minimal thought of the fu ture im p li cations of cu rre n t e x p er ie nce. with negligible personal impact. Lacks enough inferences, examples, personal insights and challenges, and/or future implications a re o v er lo oked. Writing Quality 5 pts W e ll wr itten a nd c le arly o rgan i z ed using s tan d ard English, characterized by elements of a strong writing style and basically free from grammar, punctuation, usage, and spelling errors. 4.25 pts Above average writing style and logically organized using standard English with minor errors in grammar, punctuation, usage, and spelling. 3.7 5 pts Ave rag e and /o r ca sual wr it ing s tyle that is sometimes unclear and/or with some errors in grammar, punctuation, usage, and spelling. 3 pts Poo r writing style lack ing in standard English, clarity, language used, and/or frequent errors in grammar, punctuation, usage, and spelling. Needs work. 0 pts Lacks coherence; errors in grammar, usage and spelling interfere with readability and understanding to significant degree. Top
Answer Below:
Important Idea The focus on analysis as an extensive understanding of arguments throughout Chapter 5 of "Think Critically" is the most helpful and significant insight. According to the book, it might be more challenging to apply our fundamental critical thinking abilities to analysis than it is to express an opinion. According to Peter & Gittens, (2015. p. 89), the analysis is a profound knowledge, just like interpretation. This theory is vital because it emphasises how important it is to examine arguments' fundamental structure and logic rather than just making superficial judgements about them. I may more effectively identify the advantages, disadvantages, and underlying assumptions through rigorous analysis, which is crucial for problem-solving and decision-making. Critical Thinking Several concepts discussed in Chapter 4 can make the analysis of a statement difficult. These concepts include: Ambiguity: A statement might make it difficult to analyse them. Different interpretations of the argument's aim may result from the use of ambiguous language or imprecise syntax. Emotional Bias: It may affect judgement and make it difficult to evaluate a point of view impartially. It may be challenging to concentrate only on a statement's logical merits since emotions may affect how it is viewed. Assumptions and Presumptions: It can be complicated by unchecked assumptions that underlie a statement. If not addressed, these presumptions could be taken for granted and compromise the legitimacy of the argument. Complex Reasoning: It takes more work to properly understand statements with complex reasoning, comprising several premises and conclusions. Complex reasoning can be difficult and time-consuming to untangle. Cognitive Biases: These can affect how we understand and examine data, which may result in incorrect conclusions, such as availability heuristics or confirmation bias. Beliefs I think frequent exercise is crucial for sustaining both physical and mental wellness. Layer 1: In my opinion, regular exercise is crucial since it fosters physical wellness and aids with stress and anxiety management. Layer 2: Physical health is important because it enables us to participate fully in daily activities and shields us from numerous health problems. Managing stress and anxiety also improves productivity and general mental health (Ridley et al. 2020, p. 370). Layer 3: I think physical activity regularly enhances cardiovascular health, increases muscular strength and flexibility, and aids in weight control, therefore in my opinion it boosts mental and physical health. Layer 4: Physical activity is essential for the cardiovascular system because it increases blood circulation and strengthens the heart, lowering the risk of heart disease and other diseases. By improving metabolism and burning calories, it also aids in keeping a healthy weight Cium?rnean et al. 2021. p. 207). Exercise also results in the production of endorphins, which naturally elevate mood. This reduces stress and enhances general mental health. Regular exercise has been found to improve mental health by lowering symptoms of anxiety and depression, improving cognitive performance, and promoting emotional stability. This idea is supported by both empirical research and firsthand knowledge of the beneficial effects of frequent exercise on mental and physical wellness. References Cium?rnean, Lorena, Mircea Vasile Milaciu, Vasile Negrean, Olga Hilda Or??an, Stefan Cristian Vesa, Octavia S?l?gean, Silvina Ilu?, and Sonia Irina Vlaicu. "Cardiovascular risk factors and physical activity for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases in the elderly." International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 19, no. 1 (2021): 207. Peter, F. & Gittens, C.A., (2015). Think Critically. Ridley, M., Rao, G., Schilbach, F., & Patel, V. (2020). Poverty, depression, and anxiety: Causal evidence and mechanisms. Science, 370(6522), eaay0214. Articles From Philosophy