Question.464 - Topic 3 DQ 1 The Christian worldview provides an explanation for human nature and the story of the creation and fall (Gen. 1-3). A great deal of the suffering that people experience and much of man's inhumanity to man are explained by this description of the fall of human nature. Is this characterization of human nature accurate? Why or why not? If not, what is an alternative explanation?
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I believe the characterization of human nature explained in Gen. 1-3 is accurate because experts like Martin Luther have depicted that humans were originally created in the image of God but the human itself has damaged such pure nature by his sins and being corrupted. According to Genesis 1-3, mans nature was harmed by the fall in his connection with God. Although, humans are given their own capabilities regards to thinking and willingness. One of the significant consequences of the fall of human nature is that humans are separated from God now. When Adam and Eve rebelled against God, the fellowship was lost. Once they realized their fault, they started hiding from God and that has continued till today with humanity.More Articles From Philosophy