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Question.487 - Chapter 5 Exercises -  Logic and Critical Thinking

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Chapter 5 Exercises Exercise 5.1 1) Target group  people live in the country Sample - adults in San Francisco and New York Relevant property - being "pro-choice" in the abortion debate Since the sample is not representative, the argument is not solid. 2) Target group  people Sample  people those are enquired by the TV reporters Relevant property  being fed up with celebrities who stand for their views or opinions Since the sample is not representative and is small. 3) Target group  people Sample  patients Relevant property  doctors are with worthless treatment for illness The argument is strong 4) Target group  Students in the university Sample  first year students Relevant property  being against to militant policy The argument is sample  Weak argument; sample is not representative and it is small. Exercise 5.3 1) It doesnt have strong support for conclusion. Problem is non-random. Hence it is nonrepresentative; sampling. 2) No support for Anitas conclusion Sample is neither random nor representative 3) Survey do not support the conclusion Sample is not representative Sample is too small Sample is not random 4) Target  Physicians of America Sample  1500 obstetricians Relevant property  Whether obstetricians provide quality care for women patients The argument is weak. 5) Enumerative induction Sound argument Almost women have been sexually harassed at work Women at workplace Self-selecting sample Exercise 5.4 1) a) Some readers of the campus newspaper are opposed to the US presidents economic policies. c) Some students attending this school are opposed to the US presidents economic policies. 2) c) By listening to music, some arthritis patients at the Drexell Clinic can experience a decrease in pain in their knee and finger joints. 3) a) Eighty percent of the college's English majors hate anything written by William Faulkner. 4) c) Some Dodge Spirits are trouble-free cars. 5) d) A substantial percentage of people who shop at malls in Philadelphia will vote Democratic in the next presidential election. Exercise 5.5 2) Literary analogy 3) Analogical induction 4) An argument by analogy 5) An analogical argument. 6) Argument by analogy. Exercise 5.6 1) Instance being compared: the personality traits of Ronald Reagan and George W. Bush; Relevant similarities: staunch conservatism, strong Christian values, almost dogmatic adherence to conservative principles; diversity among cases not a significant factor; Conclusion  President Bush will likely be involved in a similar foreign policy mess for similar reasons; It is a weak argument. 2) Comparison  The United Nation failed interference in Cambodia is compared with United Nations non-intervention. Similarities  Protection of heavy human right violations and stopping slaughter of innocents. Conclusion  United Nations did not respond in terms of fighting violations 3) Comparison  Ontogeny and phylogeny Similarity  Complication of organism subsequent from cellular change Conclusion -The human race is advanced from less organism complexity

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