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Question.676 - The Ethics of Non-Human Animals. Consider the central moral dilemma regarding the ethics of non-human animals: Do non-human animals matter morally as much as humans?  Make your argument using what you have learned in the course, including this week's readings, your own experiences and ethical judgments. Make sure to address counterarguments to your position.

Answer Below:

The Ethics of Non-Human Animals.?Consider the central moral dilemma regarding the ethics of non-human animals:?Do non-human animals matter morally as much as humans??? Ethics come within our action which suggests that the action we do in our daily lives should be moral to consider it as ethical. Any action we do always has a consequence in our life and to prevent the negative outcome we tend to do the actions that are abided by the rules and norms of social standards. The ecosystem is stabilized with the balance of both human and non-human animals and as such it is our moral duty to take care of the non-human animals. Therefore, the ethics of non-human animals suggests why and how we should consider the existence of the non-human animals that has impact in our moral decisions. Every ethical theory has its own set of framework in considering any action ethical or non ethical but no matter what all the theories are interconnected with one aspect where all the theories believes that every the non-human animals have the ability to see and perceive and so their presence should be taken into consideration. Therefore, the non-human animals are not applicable universally and not particularly. Since animals dont have the ability to reason and live like humans, there are many people who consider that animals are not required in our moral decisions. But non-human animals play an important role in human life by bringing the differences among each other. Both the actual and the conceptual relationships humans have with other animals raise ethical questions, as do all relationships between feeling individuals (Gruen). Animals maintain the ecosystem and play a great role in the lives of human beings in order to fulfill the requirements of food, labor, and companionship. Since the non-human animals are sentient, they too have moral status and as such it is the responsibility of the human beings who are rational to take care of the non-human animals and take them into account. Reference Gruen, Lori.?Ethics and animals: An introduction. Cambridge University Press, 2021.

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