Question.2682 - Three frameworks for Change Management are presented in Chapter 12 of our textbook. They include Lewin's Model; ADKAR (R) Model;and Kotter's Model. Irrespective of the model selected (there are numerous others,of course),what are the implementation considerations related to change management in an organization? What are the key components of an action plan? What should a communications plan look like? What are the components of a training and development plan? Finally,how does one overcome resistance to the change management initiative? What specific recommendations can you suggest? Why? Reminder A minimum of one post on three separate days.
Answer Below:
Change management process is needed for any organization and there are implementation considerations in the process with managers being focused on empowerment of employees so as to take necessary steps that can help them achieve the goals. They should also be giving their best to prevent, remove, mitigate any roadblocks in the process of change management so that the same is implemented smoothly (Phillips, 2022) . There are seven steps in an action plan like defining the goal, listing down the tasks, identification of any vital task, assigning the task and assessing the way it is done to improve the process. A communication plan is s strategy for communicating the target audience and should look like a plan that includes forms of communication and the type of audience including the different channels that is used to share this with them. Training and development plan consists of management of the program effectively, assessing employee learning needs, aligning training with organization objectives, training measurement, delivering appropriate training content, creation of ideas that help engage employees, promoting training plans amongst employees, investing in innovative training technologies. There can be certain ways to overcome change management initiatives like communicating early and often as possible by letting employees about changes of status quo and listening to employees by educating them on the various values of change. Further time is very important factor to be taken into consideration and with this continuous support is necessary to overcome change management initiative. Organizational transformation is not easy process and in this case creating collaborative teams having collective goals and communicating all reasons related to change management clearly would help to manage the change initiative process. The leaders should be provided a deeper understanding of all effects related to change Framework of Change Management 3 along with self-awareness so as to inspire and influence the much-required change (Primeeast, 2020) . Framework of Change Management 4 References Primeeast. (2020). 7 Strategies for Overcoming Resistance to Change in the Workplace. Primeast . Phillips, J. (2022). Change Management: From TheoryMore Articles From Human Resource