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Question.1019 - Think of a situation in which you could use a Chi Square (Crosstabs) analysis. Describe the circumstances and the variables you intend to use. Please use your imagination to create the research scenario. Describe how you would want to elaborate your analysis with a third variable and why you think it might reveal more into the original relationship.

Answer Below:

I imagined a scenario of studying the relationship between gender and the product they chose to buy. The variables in this scenario are Male and Female, and let us assume that the product they chose to buy be Products A, B, and C.   I would use a crosstab analysis, also known as chi-square analysis which will help me to determine the association between the two categorical variables and determine if there is a significant relationship(Turney, 2023). I would introduce a third variable called "Age" to further elaborate on the analysis and gain deeper insights. By incorporating age as a third variable, I can explore how it might influence the relationship between gender and the different type of products that they choose to buy. By conducting a three-way Chi-Square analysis (Crosstabs), I can examine how gender, different products, and age group interact(The chi-square test).   For example, I might determine that females prefer product A among the younger age group, while males tend to buy Product B. In the middle-aged group, both genders are more balanced among the three parties. However, in the elderly group, there might be a stronger association between females and product C. By including age as a third variable, I can identify potential variations and trends within different age groups, which may reveal more about the original relationship between gender and product preferences.    References The chi-square test (no date) JMP. Available at: https://www.jmp.com/en_us/statistics-knowledge-portal/chi-square-test.html#:~:text=You%20use%20a%20Chi%2Dsquare%20test%20for%20hypothesis%20tests%20about,the%20null%20hypothesis%20is%20true. Turney, S. (2023). Chi-square (Χ2) tests: Types, Formula & Examples, Scribbr. Available at: https://www.scribbr.com/statistics/chi-square-tests/#:~:text=You%20can%20use%20a%20chi%2Dsquare%20test%20of%20independence%20when,affected%20by%20the%20other%20variable.

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